Chapter Twenty Two-

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Suddenly i saw Alexis had gotten free some how, Zayn started rubbing his hand, so i threw Alexis behind me so i could protect her again, i ran toward Zayn grabbed the knife and threw it away and threw my leg in between his.

He fell down with a roar of pain.

"Like to hit women ey? Hit me, come on hit me!" I spat in his horrid face, he started to look weak but my body carried on, just picturing him cutting Alex, kept playing in my mind, the hurt look on her face when the blade ran across her skin, the look on his face when he pulled on her hair, hurting her.

he hurt Alexis.

Im going to make sure that never happens to her again.

"You will never hurt Alexis ever again!" I yelled, as my arms were just beating his face in.

His eyes were screwed shut and his breathing was slowing down. Alex's voice popped into my head "Harry stop! this isn't you!" I heard Alexis' voice scream at me in my head.

So i stopped, leaving him lying in a pool of his own blood, my knuckles were throbbing, as i turned around, i swear my whole word came crashing down.

There she was, my girl, my life lying on the floor her own blood surrounding her.

"ALEXIS!" I yelled running up to her, my vision blurry with tears, "HELP!" Niall yelled, "Someone help!" Liam yelled.

"Call an ambulance!" Liam yelled to someone.

Suddenly a girl started screaming at the sigh infront of her, Alexis lying in blood as well as Zayn, and Louis had a little nose bleed.

Nothing else mattered though, because i just remember how much it hurt, seeing her hurt.

We got her into an ambulance, me Niall and Liam rode with her in silence.

"It's going to be okay baby" I whispered holding her hand, "We're going to be okay, don't give up on me baby, i can't lose you, i won't let that be a possibility, i won't let that be a choice" I repeated.

"She's lost a lot of blood" The nurse said when we got her into a room, seeing her lying there so quiet, peaceful and still hurt.

Niall patted me on the back where as Liam was crying, Niall holding him tight.

"I cant lose her!" I yelled toward the nurse.

"I know sir, we will try our best, but she is still loosing a lot of blood!" She said, "Please can we only have one person, are you family or partner, any of you?" The nurse asked.

"Uh, Harry is her boyfriend" Liam spoke up through tears and sniffles.

He looked at me and patted my back, i nodded my head at him.

"Its your turn now, protect her!" Liam said causing me to nod, "I will" I said saying bye to them and staying with Alexis, sitting next to her and holding her hand.

"We can get through this baby, remember that, please Alexis, stay with me" I said kissing her hand.

I fell asleep on the chair and was woken up by someone grabbing my shoulder, a smiling nurses face was what i was welcomed to.

"Shes going to be okay sir" The nurse said causing me to stand up and hug her tightly.


My eyes started to open, bright lights, i blinked them to focus and i turned my head and saw two bodies hugging. My mouth was dry, and my stomach hurt. Other than that, i seemed okay.

"Not cheating on me with the nurse are you Styles?" I giggled causing him to jump back and stare in awe and shock, the nurse giggled, walked out and closed the door.

"Baby!" He cried and kissed all over my face.

"I was so fucking worried, so scared!" He cried, "Shh" I told him, holding his hand, "Everything's going to be fine, perfect, amazing, i promise" I said squeezing his shaking hand.

"Like before?" He asked and i shook my head.

"Better than before Harry"

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