Chapter Ten-

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"Oh god" i moaned this morning as i rolled out of bed, my stomach was killing.

i went into the bathroom and screamed when i saw mother natures gift.

"Alexis, Alexis whats wrong?" Harry shouted banging on the door. "Nothing Harry!" I yelled back rolling my eyes. "Sorry i mean, i just have a little problem" I said back, feeling sorry for shouting at him. Hormones are a great symptom.

The last thing me and Harry did was kiss three weeks ago, not that ive been counting the days or been wanting to kiss him. Liam has been here twice and asked why im not in school and why im always here and why i never answer my phone.

I told him school didn't fulfill my hopes of life and didn't fulfill my need of success. He called me crazy and told me to get my phone fixed.

Because i may have said i dropped it down the toilet.

"oh god oh god oh god" I moaned rolling some toilet roll and placing it where the feminine hygiene product should me.

I washed my hands and walked downstairs.

"Niall, can i have a word?" I asked and Harry pulled his eyebrows together at us.

"Sure" He said and hopped off his chair.

"This is really embarrasing and awkward i know, i'm so sorry, i feel better asking you about this so could you" I started.

"You feel better about asking him what?" A voice asked behind me.

"Jesus!" I shouted jumping back. "Harry this doesn't concern you" I told him.

"So you feel better about asking Niall? Why not me?" Harry asked folding his arms.

"It's personal" I defended but he just cocked up an eyebrow.

"If i don't want you knowing you don't have to know okay!" I yelled and then looked down. "Lokk, sorry about yelling its just" I started but Niall butted it.

"i think she's on her period Haz" Niall said causing me to gasp as Harry nodded.

"I will not take this from you two!" I stated but Niall just folded his arms.

"Long or super long?" Niall asked and i looked down, then put my back to harry and mouthed 'Tampons, not pads' and Niall nodded and walked out the door.

"Now thats frustrating" Harry said causing me to turn around. "What is?" I asked and he clenched his fists, something he does when hes getting mad.

"You can't talk to me about this shit, the guys that's been looking out for you for four months but you can talk to him about it? Why did you turn your back on me?" He asked and his nostrils were flaring.

"I asked him to get me tampons not pads Harry!" I yelled at him as i walked into the kitchen.

"Oh" is all he replied.

"Still, i want you to talk to me about this stuff" He said and i rolled my eyes, "Whatever" i mumbled.

"Hey wait, i have a joke" Harry said causing me to roll my eyes, "Another one?" I asked and he nodded.

"What's got wings and sucks blood? Always Ultra" He said and i walked past him.

"Jerk" i mumbled causing him to laugh. "Come on, that was funny!" He shouted after me.

Niall got back and i sorted everything out.

Me and Harry the only two on the sofa as Niall was in school.

"Was is there tto do around here" I groaned as i stretched my body out.

"Im bored" i moaned, "And im hungry"

i sat up and wondered into the kitchen.

Harry following suit.

I grabbed a ben and jerrys tub and sat on the kitchen side.

"Thats Nialls" Harry warned me and my eyes widened.

"Harry! you dick you could of told me before i ate some!" I shouted at him then we both started laughing. "We're scared of Niall?" Harry said.

"No, we're scared of hungry Niall" I corrected him.

"Doo you remember when i ate his cookie and he punched that wall" I said pointing over to the wall with the marks in it.

Harry walked closer to me, never losing eye contact.

"Can you remember when he coughed interrupting us?" Harry asked causing me to frown.

"After we did this" He said and kissed me.

He was stood in between my legs as i was sat on the counter.

We pulled away and i breathed heavily, "Rings a bell" I said and kissed him again. Harry grabbed my body and carried me onto the sofa taking off his shirt and undoing mine.

"Harry" i said pushing on his chest.

"Harry stop!" I yelled pushing him off me and running up the stairs.

Even if i wasn't on my period, there was no way i was going through with that. No way at all.

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