Chapter Four-

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Before my brain could react, everything went dark again.

I woke up, on something soft, much softer then before.

My arms were actually free, i sat up and looked around me.

"HELP!" I screamed, i stood up and opened the door, but it wouldnt budge.

"Help me!" i shouted banging and kicking the thick wood, freeing me from freedom.

"Get me out, help!" I yelled and yelled.

I went to the window but it was borded up. "Someone help!"

"Thank god you're okay" He said and i jumped back.

"I though Ni..Nathan over dozed you" He said and i sqinted my eyes but it was too dark to see him.

"NIALL!" I yelled, "You were going to say Niall and i remember you saying his name before i passed out!" I shouted and i heard him sigh.

"So why arent you showing your face?" I asked, stepping back to see if i could get a clearer look, but it was no use.

"You want me to?" He asked and i nodded, but then rememvbered he couldnt see me.

"Yes" i said, "I want to see who stole my life from me" I said and i heard laughing.

"You wasnt happy, i could tell, you were hurt"

And before he could carry on, i ran to the light switch and flicked it up.

Turning my body around slowly to see who it was, who this sick man was.

My eyes widened, my body shook, i gasped as i jumped back.

"HARRY?!" i shouted walking backwards.

"But,,but why?" I asked, my eyes flooding.

"It hurt Alexis, it hurt to see you so messed up and hurt" He said and i looked down. "I am not messed up!" I said causing him to frown.

"So why do you turn up to school, thin, fragile, hurt, angry, quiet and never smiling?" He asked and i looked down.

"You don't know me, you don't know the things ive been through" I said causing him to nod his head.

"But i want to" He said causing me to shoot my head up.

"What and this was the only way how!?" I shouted and looked around me.

"Im getting out of here" I said and he got closer to me.

I started banging on the door but he held my wrist.

"Stop doing that!" I yelled and he looked taken back.

"Why won't you let me touch your arm.." Then his face whitened.

"Tell me you don't, Alex, tell me you don't hurt yourself!" He shouted. "What do you fucking care!" I spat at him.

He grabbed my arm and lifted up my sleeve.

"Shit!" He shouted dropping my arm and picking up a vase, launching it across the room. I jumped and screamed.

"Dont ever hurt yourself again, you hear me, no one is worth the scars on your body! No one!" He yelled and looked deep into my eyes, so deep i thought he was looking at my soul.

"Why do you care Harry!" I shouted and he sighed.

He didn't reply.

"Niall!" I yelled. "I know you're out there, Niall Help, Open the door, Niall!" I yelled and then i heard an unlocking noise.

"Niall no!" Harry yelled. But i ran straight out the door. "GET HER, I CANT LOSE HER AGAIN!" Harry yelled but my head made my body stop running.

"Again?" I asked.


"What?" Harry asked, his voice heavy, his breathing unstable.

He grabbed my hand and took me into the bedroom again locking the door and putting the key into his pocket.

"Why did you say 'again' ?" I asked. "we've never even spoken before"

"When i thought you we're over dozed earlier?" He said, but there was an uncertainty in his voice.

"Harry" i sternly said. "Don't lie to me"

"Okay" he sighed. "Uh, it was about, three months ago" He said and my eyes widened, that was a shitty month, a horrid month. The worst month of my life.

"I uh, i found you, lying in an alleyway, vodka bottle and an empty packet of pills next to you" He said, his voice shaky.

"When i woke up in the hospital they told me an anonymous person brought me in, that was you!" I said my heart beating fast.

"You told them to make sure i didn't die, told them to keep me safe?" I asked and he dropped his head and nodded.

"I care a lot about you Alexis"

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