Chapter Thirty-

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"What?!" The man holding Harry asked.

"He's dead okay!" I said causing the man that was holding my throat to let go.

The man holding Harry tightened his grip though.

"Marcus let go" the man next to me shouted.

"Dave, he's dead, my brothers dead!" Marcus yelled squeezing the life out of Harry.

"No!" I yelled as Marcus punched Harry's face and stomach.

"Get off him!" I yelled over to Marcus,

I heard Niall cries and sobs as he held Liam's face on his lap.

Whispering in his ear "everything's going to be okay Liam"

"Fuck this man!" Dave yeled, dropped his gun and ran out the alley.

"Marcus stop, please, I need Harry, you don't understand!" I yelled trying to drag him arms back, but he was muscly.

"Bye Alexis" Harry whispered as his face started to go pale.

"This isn't goodbye!", I cried, a shiny metal causght my eye, I ran over to the gun croached down grabbed it and ran up to Marcus.

This was no time to be scared, afraid or weak.

"Get.Off.Him!" I said slowly.

Marcus started to laugh, "shoot, go on little girl shoot!" He shouted.

"I'm going to kill your little boyfriend in revenge for my brother!" He shouted and I saw Harry's body go weak and limp.

"No!" I screamed as I pointed the gun at Marcus, I squeezed my eyes shut and pulled the trigger.

I heard two bodies fall to the ground, I opened my eyes and saw Marcus bleeding on the ground, screaming in agony.

I dropped the gun and cried as I walked over to Harry and picked up his head.

"Don't you dare leave me" I cried as my tears were falling on his face.

"I won't let you leave me Harry!", I yelled stroking his face.

"Harry!" I yelled, "I need to tell you something", I said and his eyes started to open a bit, his breathing was very slow.

"I'm in love with you", I whispered and kissed his lips.

He nodded his head a d opened his mouth.

"Shh, don't speak baby, I'll get us help, I just need a phone" I cried and placed Harry's head down lightly.

I crawled over to Marcus who was growling in pain.

I checked his pockets and dug out a phone.

"Ambulance please!", I cried.

Three hours later.

I sat by Harry's bed crying as I held his hand, "you're going to be okay" I whispered as I kissed his knuckles, they cleaned him up and put him in a hospital dress.

He looked peaceful, pure and relaxed, that scared me.

A policeman came in, "can I have a word Alexis Steal?" He asked and I nodded at him.

"I'll be right back", I whispered to an unconscious Harry. I kissed his forehead and walked out.

"We want to give you our deepest apologies and we hope your friend is alright?" He asked.

"Boyfriend" I corrected him causing him to nod.

"We also want to thank you for helping us find Marcus Malik and Dave Malik, we've been trying to find them two for a very long time" he said causing me to furrow my brows.

"Dave? But he ran away?" I asked and he nodded, "Marcus told us where he'd been hiding, dobbed him in straight away", the cop said causing me to nod.

"They'll be behind bars for a very, very long time Miss Steal, of that I'm sure", he said.

"Thank you" I whispered, "no, thankyou" he said and walked away.

I ran back in the room and a nurse was stood next to him.

"He should be waking up soon, there is no damage at all, he just needs his face to heal and he should be fine" she said causig me to smile and hug her out of complete relief.

"Not cheating on me already are you?" I heard Harry's croaky voice say, mocking what I said a couple of weeks ago.

"Harry!" I cried and ran over to him, "Alexis thank you so much for turning up, when I saw you, I knew nothing else mattered", he said causing me to nod.

"I will always protect you baby", I whispered, "you protected me to Harry" I said causing him to shake his head.

"Yes you did, if you just stayed quiet, god knows what would of happened", I said, "you know what Harry, I wasn't even scared when I pulled the trigger because I knew I was protecting you and you were protecting me" I said kissing his lips.

"And don't you ever, ever say bye to me ever again!", I wanted him causing him to smile.

"Alexis?" He asked causing me to nod.

"I'm in love with you too" he told me causing me to cry with happiness as I hugged him tightly.

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