Chapter Nine-

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"Hey" His voice said causing my head to snap up.

"Are you okay?" He asked and i nodded. "I went to take a bath but i dont have any clothes" I said and Niall frowned.

"Has Harry not told you?" Niall asked and i stood up and shook my head. "He got all your stuff yesterday, okay well i got all your stuff yesterday" He said and i frowned.

"Told ye parents you were living with us and they basically showed me to ye room duck" Niall said causing me to nod, "Yeah, my lovely lovely parents" I said slapping my forehead.

Tears making there way down my face. "Hey, sit down lass, its alright" Niall said tapping the bed.


She ran out the room, you don't realize how badly i wanted to chase after her, ask her whats wrong, hug her so tightly that all the pain and hurt from her entire life would just disappear, kiss her so hard she didn't know who's air she was breathing. But i couldnt, because shes not mine.

So i nodded my head from Niall to her room, he soon got the point and followed her up.

"Do you like her?" Liam asked and i mentally rolled my eyes. "Yes" i said and he smiled but only for a bit. "Are you planning to shag and leave her?" He asked and i sighed. "I'd love to have this conversation with you, but i need to use the bathroom" I said to him as i crept upstairs and pressed my ear against her door.

"I went to take a bath but i dont have any clothes" She said.


"Niall, why am i the messed up one, why do i have to be the one with the shitty parents and no friends" I cried into his shoulder and he rubbed circles into my back.

"You have me and, and Harry oh and Liam" He said and i giggled, "I guess so" I said as i sat up and wiped away my tears. "It'll be alright, ya'no Harry is only looking out for ye, he's a good lad, you'll see" Niall said and i nodded my head.

"Ye clothes are in the closet love" Niall said causing me to nod.

"Niall" I said stopping him in his tracks before he walked out.

"Thankyou" I said and he frowned. "For making my best friend happy"

He winked and walked out causing me to smile. I grabbed my black skinnies and tank top, fresh underwear too and brought them into the bathroom.

I stood there in the shower, washing myself but also thinking about Harry. I couldn't seem to get him off my mind.

His smile, his half smile, his hair, his body, his tattoos, how amazing he looked this morning fresh from bed, how great he smelt.

Suddenly a loud moan erupted from my mouth and i heard a cough.

"You okay in there Alexis?" Harry voice called through. "Shit" i mumbled turning off the shower.

"Uh, y.yeah thanks!" I yelled back jumping out and throwing on my underwear, jeans and tank top.

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