Chapter Seven-

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"Hi" i heard Niall shyly say.

"Hey Niall" I heard Liams heavy, deep voice reply.

"Why do you look so worried, whats wrong?" Niall asked and Liam sighed.

"Its just, a friend was meant to come round mine tonight, and she didnt and im so worried" He said and my heart skipped a beat. I looked over to Harry who mouthed 'Was that you' and i nodded he then mouthed 'shit' making me laugh.

"Liam" I said walking into the hallway. "Alexis? What the hell are you doing here? you were meant to be at mine and you werent and i went over to yours and your folks said you never stopped by" He said really fast,

"Oh yeah, im really sorry, uh Harry saw me walking and offered me a drink so i stayed and you know what im like with my phone, i never use it" I said laughing.

"Sorry Liam" I said but he smiled, "No its uh, its fine honestly" He waved it off and Harry placed his hand on my lower back.

Liam saw and shot me a look.

"Does anyone want a drink?" I asked and Liam looked taken back.

"Shouldn't Niall or Harry be offering them, you are a guest too?" Liam asked and i widened my eyes.

"I uh, yeah, i know" I said looking down, "I was offering to help" I said and Liam nodded. "Just a water is fine thanks" Liam said and i nodded and walked into the kitchen with Harry on my tail.

"Stop looking at my butt" I said and i heard a deep husky laugh.

"Sorry" He said and i cringed at the word.

"are you okay with this?" Harry asked playing with the hem of my shirt.

"Harry" i said placing my hand under his chin so our eyes were looking into eachothers.

"Yes" i said and he smiled.

"So you and Niall live together?" I asked and he nodded, "For two years now" He replied and i smiled. "Room mates, do you guys pull a lot?" I asked with a giggle.

"You know, do you have a rota? Who can bring a girl or guy home a night, was you Mondays and Niall Tuesdays?" I laughed and Harry frowned.

"What?" I asked.

"Im not like that Alexis, true ive had my fair share but not anymore, not since, you" He said and i swallowed loudly.

"oh so, no rota?" I asked and Harry turned his back on me, i could feel the anger radiating from him.

"I said no!" He yelled, picking up a plate. "Woah woah woah" I said running over to him and taking the plate out his strong grip.

"Im sorry okay, it was just a joke" i tried to calm him.

"Why don't you see i like you Alexis, i avoided every fucking girl in school because they didnt compare to you, your safety was more important to me then sex with sluts" He said causing my insides to melt.

"I really need to hear that right now" I smiled. "Thankyou"

"Of course love" He smiled back.

"Where are our drinks?" Niall asked. Followed by Liam.

"Get them yourselves, lazy fuckers" Harry replied, grabbing my hand and pulling me into the living room.

"im pretty tired" I said and was about to head upstairs.

"Where are you going?" Liam asked and i stood still, frozen in my place.

"Uh, i uh" I stuttered.

"I let Alexis stay the night" Harry butted in causing Liam to nod.

"And you weren't going to tell me?" Liam asked. "Bad friend award goes to me?" I said and Liam smiled, "Come here" He said and i walked down to him and gave him a hug.

"I love you bestie" Liam said making me smile. "love you too" I replied

Harry watching between us, with a look in his eye. "He's gay" I whispered in Harry's ear and his body looked like it calmed down making me feel safe as i smiled at him.

"Goodnight Harry" i said.

"Goodnight Alexis"

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