Chapter Five-

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"How can you care for someone you don't know!?" I shouted as i backed away from him.

"You're ill, demented, mental!" i shouted and he shook his head.

"I know your parents just kicked you out, i know your favorite colour is black and your favorite band is the rolling stones and that you're still a virgin and you hate soppy love films because it just reminds you that no one as ever felt that way about you and you have never felt that way about someone!" He shouted and i gasped.

"You stalk me?" I asked and his head lowered.

"I look out for you, there's a difference" He said. "You need help!" I told him.

"I need you" He replied casuing me to try and back off more, but i reached the wall.

"I made a promise to myself that i would never let anyone hurt you, or for you to hurt yourself, again" He said and i looked down.

"seeing you lying there, on the cold wet ground, body still, tear stains, i remember it hurt, seeing you hurt" He said and i felt sorry for him. For the way he looked out for me.

"Favorite film?" I asked him and he half smiled, whilst wiping away his tears.

"Harry potter" He replied.

"Food?" I asked.

"Pizza" He answered correctly.

"You've done your research...weird" i said smiling.

"I just wanted to make sure you were safe, i just learnt a few things about you on the way" He said holding his hands up. "Im fully sane, i promise" He said and i looked down.

"I wish i could say the same" i sighed and he came over to me.

"You are sane Alex, you're perfectly sane" He told me, and something shot through my chest, a warm feeling.

"Thanks" i replied and we both smiled.

A knock on the door interupting us, making me jump.

Was you about to kiss him? Or allow him to kiss you?

He's been looking out for me, keeping me safe, he actually cares.

No, he cares about getting you out of your panties. So naive.

That's not true.

"I uh, well Pizza's here?" Niall shyly said and Harry walked out the bedroom.

I stood still, not knowing if i was aloud to leave.

"Well?" Harry asked sticking his head back through, i smiled and followed them both down, we sat on the sofa and ate the pizza.

"DId you lock the door" Harry whispered to Niall, then Niall got up and checked the door and sat back down with a nod.

"You don't have to worry" I said, "I won't try and escape, i'm homeless, remember" I said with a smile.

Harry giggled and something warm and fuzzy floated in my body.

Ignoring the nice feeling i turned to Niall.

"Are you gay?" And he spat out his pizza.

"What?" He asked.

"Oh Niall, don't lie to Alexis" Harry said and i turned to him and smiled.

He half smiled back.

"Okay, uh, i guess i am yeah" Niall said and i clapped my hands. "Why you thinking of becoming a boy?" Harry asked.

"Well if i did, you'd know about it wouldn't you" I said and Harry looked down. hurt.

"Hey" i said tapping his arm. "That was a joke" i informed him, causing him to smile.

"So why?" Niall asked.

"My friend Liam fancies the heck outta you" Then again Niall spat out his pizza.

"What!" He yelled and i knew i said the wrong thing.

"Liam Payne?" He asked and i nodded. But his face grew red and excitement buzzed through his eyes.

"Guessing he likes Liam?" I asked Harry and Harry bought his lips to my ear.

"He loves Liam" He told me causing my body to want to do things to his.

Wait what

"Ask him out?" I asked Niall and he ran out the room.

"So tell me, why am i actually here?" I asked and Harry laughed.

"If i told you i'd have to kiss you" He said and i giggled.

"Im okay with that" I said, knowing id run away after he told me and lock my bedroom door.

"REALLY?" he said, "I mean ah uhm, yeah okay what ever" He played it cool.

"Have you heard of Stockholm syndrome?" He asked and i coughed out my pizza.

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