Chapter Twenty Seven-

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-authors note-
I'm writing this chapter on my phone so I'm sorry if its either too short or too long because it doesn't have a word counter.

As we stayed in bed I turned to look at Harry, light snores leaving him making me smile and move some of his hair away from his face.

I calculated how long I've been here, I decided it was about eight weeks.

Wow, that's two whole months.

Isn't it weird how I don't miss anyone.
That's because you have no one to miss Alexis.

Oh yeah.

Harry started to move and he placed both legs over mine and threw an arm around my stomach.

"You've got to be kidding me" I whispered whilst laughing.

"I am" Harry whispered with a laugh causing me to jump.

"Jesus Harry, you scared me" I said causing him to smile.

He moved off me, pecked my cheek and got up, I admired his back muscles, toned and tanned, his perfectly shaped bum, legs and arms.

I didn't realize I was biting my lip until he turned around.

"Want a photo babe?" He asked causing me to jump out of my trance.

"Sorry" I mumbled looking down.

"Hey" he said, causing me to look up at him.

"Fancy some lunch?" He asked causing me to nod and smile.

We both got showered and dressed then went down stairs.

"I'll set the table in the living room" I told Harry, he smacked my bum and when I turned around with my mouth hung open, he winked.

When I opened the door I saw something no sane person ever wants to see.

I screamed and slammed the door, Harry appearing at my side in a flash.

"What happened, Alexis are you hurt?" Harry asked causing me to shake my head.

"I just saw, I saw, Niall and Liam on the table" I stuttered out, suddenly the living room door flew open.

"Shit Alexis I'm so sorry!" Liam yelled, Harry peered in and we saw Niall tugging his jeans back on.

"Niall!" Harry yelled causing him to look up with a red face.

"I'm so sorry, I really didn't expect anyone to walk in!" Niall said causing Harry to huff.

"In my fucking living room, on my fucking table, on sure Niall, no one uses this room!" Harry yelled causing me to grab his upper arm and lightly squeeze it to calm him.

He looked at me and slightly smiled.

"I'm really sorry, I really am" Liam said and ran upstairs, Niall following shortly after.

I walked into the kitchen with Harry.

"Shall we eat lunch in here then?"

We ate up and I washed the pots, Harry got up and wrapped his arms around my stomach, lifting my T-shirt up a bit to reveal my lower stomach, he stroked my scar.

"Does it hurt anymore baby?" He whispered in my ear, causing tingles to run up and down my spine.

I shook my head and bit my lip.

"Why are you biting your lip?" He whispered again, I threw my head back and he started to kiss my neck.

My throat made a moaning raspy noise causing Harry to smile.

I stood up properly and turned to face him, then in the background I saw Zayn, a bloody mess, blood driooing out of his nose and mouth, he stood there just staring.

He started to cough and lumps of blood escaped him landing on the floor with a splat.

"Harry!" I screamed causing him to look shocked as he screamed in my face "what's wrong! Baby what's wrong!" Harry shouted but his words weren't sinking in.

"Behind you!" I yelled.

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