chapter 1

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Clawdeen sighed as she watched Draculara and Clawd cuddle together on the living room couch. They were such a cute couple and Clawdeen wished she could have something like that. But none of the guys had taken an interest in her at school, not even the werewolves. They all seemed to want to avoid her for some reason and Clawdeen didn't know why. Sighing again, the fur-covered fashionista stood and made her way to her room. She shared it with her sister Howleen, but Howleen wasn't around much these days, preferring to spend time with her friends than at home.

Clawdeen didn't have anyone to talk to, really. Frankie was dating Jackson Jekyll/Holt Hyde, Ghoulia had Slow Moe, Cleo was all over Deuce and Lagoona was infatuated with Gill. No one in their close-knit monster group shared her problem, not even Spectra. The Spectator had found a cute phantom to spend her time with, so Clawdeen had no one to speak to.

Deciding that she needed some fresh air, Clawdeen slipped out her bedroom window and stole away into the night. She walked around Monstropolis with her head hung so that none of the normies recognized her; most of them knew her from her frequent field trips with Monster Roll students. Clawdeen sighed as she walked past numerous people, monsters and normies, that were involved in a couple.

Why can't I find that? The werewolf wondered to herself.

No one caught her eye as she continued her walk. Finally, Clawdeen looked up and found that she had walked all the way to Monster High. Clawdeen hesitated on the steps for a moment, debating on whether or not to go in. But, of course, she didn't want to continue her walking and she didn't want to go back home so she pushed the door open and entered the halls. It was still early enough that there were after school activities still going on.

The fashionista walked through the halls and soon found herself on the roof. She leaned against the stone rail that ran across the top of the school and looked out over the city. Letting her eyes roam the streets below, Clawdeen couldn't help the almost empty feeling she had and didn't realize the tears falling down her cheeks until a sob racked her body. Clawdeen laid her head on her arms and continued to cry where she was sure no one could see her. After a few more minutes of crying, Clawdeen lifted her head and wiped her eyes, sniffing slightly.

The werewolf was relieved that no one had seen that... until someone stepped out of the shadows. "Are you better now?"

Toralei ground her teeth together as Cleo ran her, Purrsephone, and Meowlody through more drills. They were trying to prove that they should be let back on the fearleading squad. Cleo seemed to be relishing in the torture she as inflicting and Toralei was getting tired of it. As the werecat shook her head to clear her hair from her eyes, movement caught her eye and she glanced at the door; to her mild surprise, Toralei saw Clawdeen walking past the doors to the gym. Watching in confusion as the werewolf just strode on, Toralei wondered why she hadn't looked in.

After another three or four minutes, Cleo finally let the girls out for a fifteen-minute break. Toralei took the chance to sniff the air and follow Clawdeen's scent. It led her up to the roof where she found Clawdeen hunched over. At first, the werecat thought the girl was asleep until she heard the soft sobs coming from the werewolf. Toralei stayed where she was, unsure of what to do. After what felt like an eternity, Clawdeen straightened up and wiped her eyes. Toralei felt a sense of relief, but she still was slightly worried for the other girl. After all, what could make the fiercest werewolf in school cry her eyes out?

Stepping from the shadows, Toralei gave Clawdeen a small smile and asked, "Are you better now?"

Clawdeen turned to her with a gasp and growled low in her throat at the orange-furred girl. "What do you want?" Clawdeen snarled. "Come to taunt me for crying?"

Toralei's defenses immediately went up. "What's it to you if I have come to taunt you. After all, it's not everyday you see the meanest, fiercest, most temperamental werewolf in school cry her eyes out when she thinks no one is watching."

Toralei expected Clawdeen to retort or jump at her with claws out, but the werewolf simply turned away and muttered, "Go away, Stripe."

Toralei began to get concerned now. Clawdeen would usually have said something much more different than that. Walking forward a few steps, Toralei stood next to Clawdeen with her ears lowered. "What's wrong?"

Clawdeen glared at her and shook her head, jumping over the side of the building and landing on her feet below. Without another word, the werewolf began striding away, leaving Toralei on the roof, shocked

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