chapter 7

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Clawdeen waited anxiously by the tree near the park entrance. She'd gone out and asked Draculara what kind of flowers to get a girl for a date. The pink vampire hadn't even asked why when she had responded with red roses. So, Clawdeen had spent the entire day looking for a red rose to give to Toralei. Finally, she just gave up and decided to make one out of paper machete. She hoped Toralei liked it because she was trying to make a good impression on the other girl. Moments after she arrived, an orange head appeared out of the shadows and greeted her. They had both worn dresses—Clawdeen's a zebra-striped deep purple and Toralei's cat-scratched orange—and Clawdeen smiled.

"I made you a rose." She said softly, holding the art creation out to her date.

Toralei's eyes widened in surprise as she took it. "Thank you." She murmured. "No one else would have made one. They would have just bought fake ones."

"Well, I tried looking for a real one, but I guess roses don't grow around here and I don't like the fake ones because their thorns hurt."

Toralei smiled at that and presented a carefully shaped ceramic rose. "It took me three hours to coax one of the dragons to help me crystalize it."

Clawdeen grinned as she took the clay made rose. "Thanks." She whispered. "Shall we get going then?" The girls clasped hands and Clawdeen led Toralei to a meat restaurant.

"I got the idea from Veggieland." Clawdeen explained. "They deal on nothing but vegetables. Well, this place deals on nothing but meat. I thought that since you liked fish and I liked steak, we could compromise here."

Toralei stared at her incredulously and Clawdeen shifted uncomfortably. "If you don't wanna come here I'm sure I can find somewhere else."

"Clawdeen?" The werewolf glanced at her uneasily.

"You thought of both of us?" Clawdeen nodded slowly.

"Then let's eat."

Clawdeen smiled at her companion and the two entered the restaurant to see monsters and normies alike eating together. As the two were sat down by a hostess, they began talking about themselves, their families, school, jobs of interest. Clawdeen was excited that she shared so much in common with Toralei. Of course, a great smell suddenly caught her nose and she began to drool as a massive steak was brought out to her.

Toralei couldn't believe how much she shared with Clawdeen. It's like they were meant to be together, Cleo was the only thing standing in the way of that. Toralei groaned slightly at the thought of Cleo; she had fearleading practice on Monday and she was not looking forward to it.

"What's wrong?" Clawdeen asked, noticing Toralei's sour expression.


Clawdeen cocked her head to the side for a moment before her eyes widened in realization and she whimpered. "Yeah, I'm sorry about her. She's an Egyptian princess and she demands respect whether you want to give it or not. So yeah, revenge is really big for her."

"I'm sorry for putting you and your friends through all of the fuss at the camp. And with Nefera de Nile."

Clawdeen waved her hand. "It's alright. We still managed to shine at the camp and we gave Nefera what she deserved. Thanks for saving our necks with that squidactyl."

Toralei smiled. "No problem."

Just then, a lovely aroma reached Toralei's nose and her mouth watered at the large fish on the platter being brought her way. Clawdeen seemed to be thinking the same about the steak heading toward her and both girls hastily thanked the waiters before digging into their food ravenously. As Toralei sucked the meat from a fish bone she watched as Clawdeen wrestled with the meat of the steak, raising an eyebrow at how tough the meat must be. Clawdeen didn't notice the look and finally tore the meat away, chewing at it hungrily. After a moment, the werewolf looked up with a piece of meat hanging from her mouth and she ducked her head in embarrassment, quickly swallowing the flesh.

"Hungry?" Toralei asked amusedly.

"Full moon is coming soon and I get hungrier around that time."

Toralei's eyes widened and she groaned. "The full moon is coming soon isn't it?" she sighed.

"One week, two days, three hours, five minutes, twenty-eight seconds." Clawdeen recited.

Toralei stared at her in shock. "I have a kind of built in timer for the full moon."

Toralei shook her head with a chuckle and the two made idle conversation while they finished their meal. When they were done, they split the bill in half and left the restaurant, tails waving happily. Walking back to the park, the girls held hands for a moment before Toralei took the initiative and slowly leaned in, giving Clawdeen time to move away. Clawdeen moved forward as well and the two met halfway, sharing a short sweet kiss before parting ways.

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