chapter 4

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Clawdeen tapped her claws against the top of the table as she waited for Toralei to show up. As she waited, Clawdeen looked around at all of the different guys walking around the room; none of them really called out to her even though they were all really good looking. Just as Clawdeen was watching a cute Cyclops walk by, she saw a flash of orange and smiled in greeting to Toralei.

"Hey Stripe."

"Hey Wolf." Toralei replied, sitting down across the table from Clawdeen. "Find anyone you like while I was arriving?" Toralei asked, looking around the food court.

"Nope. Lot of good looking guys, but none of them really call out to me, you know?"

Toralei looked around the room and noticed that Clawdeen was right. None of them really screamed, "I'm perfect for you!"

"Let's go walking; we might be able to widen our selection that way."

Clawdeen nodded and the two began walking together. Looking in different directions, Toralei found a guy with three eyes and fins. Walking over, she greeted him and the two sat down to talk for a bit. After about three minutes of flirting, Toralei crossed this guy off her list and moved back to Clawdeen's side.

"Not right?" Clawdeen asked, not looking at Toralei.

"Not even close." The werecat replied.

Clawdeen chuckled as she spotted a very handsome werewolf boy walking their way. Walking over to the boy, she began talking to him, but she realized that he didn't do much for her and so moved back to Toralei's side.

"Not right either?"

"Nope." Clawdeen replied. The girls spent the rest of the day walking around the mall looking for boys, but none caught their eyes, not really.

"Wanna try out that club idea I had?" Toralei suggested as they began walking home.

"Sure. I'll meet you in the park when you're ready to go."

They parted ways and got dressed to go. Clawdeen shaved the fur on her legs, arms, and... everywhere before slipping into a short swirly black skirt with a purple tank top and gold inch-high heels. She was bubbling with anticipation for what was to come and she quickly headed out the door, leaving a short note to her parents telling them she might be out late.

Toralei looked around her room for something to wear that might catch someone's eye. She had pulled numerous outfits out of her closet, but none of them really seemed to scream, "I want you to hook up with me!" After a few more moments of thought, Toralei got a purrfect idea. Slipping into a short, orange and black striped skirt, the werecat slid on a solid orange shirt and some black gloves before topping the outfit off with black inch-high heels.

Leaving a note for her parents that she should be back by eleven, Toralei slipped out her window and stole down the street to the park. Standing near a tree next to the entrance was Clawdeen waiting for her.

"Ready to go?" the werewolf asked without looking up.

"How did you know I was here?" Toralei asked.

"I smelled you. Your scent is kind of lemony with a touch of orange. I like it."

Toralei was caught off guard by the last part and uttered a surprised. 'Thanks' in return. Quickly composing herself, Toralei smiled and asked, "Ready?"


The two hurried down the sidewalk and Toralei led Clawdeen through a series of allies until they reached an empty warehouse. Clawdeen stared up at it curiously, but then a soft pumping reached her ears. "Underground club?" she asked the orange cat, who nodded and walked up to the door.

A slot slid open near the top and two green eyes peered out. "Password?"

"Monster Mash."

The eyes nodded and the slot slid shut before the door opened to reveal another werecat. "Welcome back, Toralei."

"Same to you Mewlvin."

Clawdeen walked forward slightly and Mewlvin, obviously the bouncer, hissed at her warningly. "Oh, no Mewlvin, she's with me. This is my friend, Clawdeen."

Mewlvin eyed Clawdeen suspiciously for a moment before nodding. "Party's really kicking tonight. See if you can find anybody special, eh?"

"Thanks Big M. Come on Clawdeen."

Clawdeen nodded and made her way past the bouncer and down a flight of stairs. Toralei smiled at her before opening a door and showing an underground room full of strobe lights and numerous monsters. Up at the music stand, the girls noticed Holt Hyde being DJ and they giggled.

"Wanna dance?" Toralei asked the other girl.

Clawdeen shifted for a moment before nodding. Toralei led her to the edge of the dance floor and instructed her on how to move herself. Soon, Clawdeen felt more relaxed and the two were on the dance floor shaking their tails and flipping their hair. Countless boys began taking notice of them and one came up to begin dancing with Clawdeen. Toralei winked at her, before moving away toward the refreshment table.

Get ready for a little bit of drama next chapter

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