chapter 3

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Clawdeen walked through the halls of Monster High with a purposeful gait the next day. Heading straight for Draculara's locker, the werewolf pulled the pink vampire away slightly. "Lara, do you think I could ask you something?"

Draculara looked up at her best ghoulfriend and nodded. "Ask away!" she said excitedly.

"Have you ever had a kind of problem where you feel like something is missing, but you don't know how to fill the hole inside you?"

Draculara stared at Clawdeen and tried to make sense of what was just said. "I... wait, what?"

"I feel kind of... empty." Clawdeen said slowly. "In my chest. And I don't know what's missing. Have you ever had that problem before?"

Draculara cocked her head to the side and chuckled. "Are you positive it's in your chest and not your stomach? You're probably just hungry, Clawdeen. Go get something to eat and I'll meet you in first period."

Clawdeen looked after her friend in shock as Draculara strolled down the hall toward the ghoul's bathroom. "But... I'm not hungry." The werewolf sighed.

Deciding that Draculara probably wasn't the best person to ask anyway, Clawdeen headed to Cleo's locker. "Cleo?"

"Yes, Clawdeen, what do you want?"

"Have you ever felt like there's something missing, but haven't the slightest clue what?"

Cleo narrowed her eyes at Clawdeen and demanded, "Is there something missing from my outfit? It's a necklace, isn't it? I knew I should have worn a necklace today! Thanks for the head's up, Clawdeen. I'll go see if Ghoulia has a spare one."

"But-." Clawdeen sighed as Cleo raced down the hall, pushing and shoving people out of her way as she went. "Maybe I should talk to Frankie."

During second hour, Home Eek, Clawdeen sat next to Frankie before the class began. "Frankie?"

"Yeah, Clawdeen?"

"Have you ever felt like something's missing in your chest and you don't now how to fill the hole?"

Frankie's screws sparked in thought before nodding. "Yeah! My daddy said that I just needed to insert something where my heart should have been. So he gave me an actual heart to fill the hole."

"But I don't need an extra heart!" Clawdeen exclaimed just before the bell rang.

"You never know, Clawdeen." Frankie told her as they moved to their respective seats.

Clawdeen huffed sadly and murmured, "Maybe I should talk to Lagoona."

Waiting through the day until lunch, Clawdeen pulled Lagoona aside before the sea monster could enter the cafeteria. "Lagoona, can I ask you something?"

"Of course, mate." Lagoona said excitedly. "I'm always here to help my ghoulfriends."

"Well, have you ever felt an emptiness in your chest and you don't know what's missing?"

Lagoona scratched her hair in thought for a moment. "I'm not entirely sure what you mean, mate. If it's in your stomach that usually means food... if it's in your head that usually means you have a headache... Oh, I know! You need a mate, mate!"

"Huh?" Clawdeen raised a confused eyebrow.

"You need someone to love you, Clawdeen. Someone to love you and someone you can love back."

Clawdeen's eyes widened in surprise and a smile spread across her lips. "Thanks Lagoona! Oh I knew Frankie must have been on to something, but now I know what. I'll start looking for someone right away." Just then, Clawdeen's stomach growled and she chuckled. "Right after I eat."

Lagoona giggled and the two entered the hall. Gil walked over and sat with the girls, as did Clawd, Slow Moe, Deuce and Jackson Jekyll. As the couples began eating together and sharing food, Clawdeen felt a little left out of the fun.

Sighing softly, she picked up her tray and slipped away to the roof, deciding to eat in solitude. She had just finished eating her lunch when an increasingly familiar face slipped from the shadows. "You okay?"

Toralei grumbled through her first half of classes. They were all SO BORING! It was bad enough that Sweet Fang had eaten her Biteology homework, but she had been paired with a loser for her Clawposition and literbature project. Sighing, Toralei just listened to Purrsephone and Meowlody gush about their newest beaus.

"Who are you going to go after, Toralei?"

The orange cat shrugged and began licking her paw to clean her face. "I don't really have an interest in anyone..."

"Oh come on, Toralei. You could have any guy you wanted at Monster High, Crescent High, or Vampire Prep. Which boy would you prefer?"

Toralei shrugged again and continued cleaning her face. "I'll have to think on it. No one's really caught my eye lately."

Her friends nodded and went back to discussing their boyfriends. As the trio began walking toward the cafeteria, movement caught Toralei's eye and she turned in time to see Clawdeen disappearing up the stairs with her lunch. Toralei glanced at her two best ghoulfriends and slipped into the shadows, following Clawdeen's scent. Toralei found the werewolf eating on the ledge.

Clawdeen seemed to be finishing up, so Toralei stepped into the light. "You okay?"

Clawdeen glanced over at the werecat and shrugged. Toralei walked over to stand next to Clawdeen, gazing at the werewolf expectantly. "I got a bit of advice from two of my friends..." Toralei nodded, waiting patiently for Clawdeen to go on. "I know what's missing, but I don't know how to get it."

"Well, what's missing?" Toralei asked softly.

"Love." Clawdeen said bluntly.

"Love?" The orange cat asked.

"Yes, love. I love my friends, I love my family, I even love my enemies, but I'm not IN love with anyone and it makes me feel... empty."

Toralei mused over this for a bit and nodded. "I guess I can relate to that in some way. I have to find my mate before my first life is over or else, according to my Mom, I'll be tormented until I find them."

Clawdeen sighed. "I don't think werewolves have set mates, but it would be nice to find one."

Toralei took a breath, gritted her teeth and said the most unlikely thing she ever thought would come out of her mouth, "Clawdeen, why don't you hang out with me on Saturday? We can go to the mall and see if there are any worthy guys there. Or go to a club and just find someone to be with for the night." Clawdeen looked at the werecat in shock, but Toralei was avoiding her gaze, trying to stop herself from hissing and running away like a scared little kitten.

"Really?" Clawdeen asked skeptically, suspicious and wary of this girl who was offering her help despite the fact that they were enemies.

"Yes." Toralei breathed through her teeth, squashing her instinct.

"Um, well, thanks Toralei. I'll meet you in the food court at the mall at one o'clock."

Toralei looked up in surprise that Clawdeen had agreed and smiled slightly. "I'll be there waiting then." They nodded to each other and headed down to their separate classes. Toralei sat through Hisstory with a small anticipation for Saturday hidden in her stomac

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