chapter 11

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"Where have you been?" Cleo demanded of Clawdeen when the werewolf entered the gym. "and where is your fearleading uniform?"

"I'm not joining the squad." Clawdeen told her firmly.
"What?" Cleo shrieked. "Why not?"
"Because I'm not sure I want to have my bones broken and my ribs cracked."
"You talked to Stripe didn't you?"
Clawdeen rolled her eyes and snarled at Cleo. "Of course I did. I was at the howlspital making sure she was ok."
"Why didn't you call us?" Frankie, Draculara, and Lagoona asked.
"I tried, you were all too busy to talk."
That shut them all up and Clawdeen turned on her heel. "Clawdeen? We still need one more girl to join."
Clawdeen turned back and sighed. "Cleo, you have to let up on us a bit, alright? We're only monsters. We're not your gods that can do everything in the world as if it's perfect and then call it perfect because they hate being wrong. We're not perfect."

Cleo sighed and rolled her eyes. "Fine, I'll be the bigger monster and let up on you. But don't tell Nefera; she'll think I'm going soft."
"Deal." Clawdeen agreed.
"You don't have your uniform though." Frankie pointed out.
Clawdeen shrugged. "I have on a skirt and a tank top. All I need to do is take off my pumps." Once Clawdeen's pumps had been removed, the practice went on as usual with Cleo letting up a bit more so that the squad members could catch their breath if needed.
By the end of the practice, Clawdeen was still really tired. She grabbed a steak to go and headed to bed early that night. Howleen wasn't home yet and so she laid down on her bed, happily falling deeper into sleep with every passing minute… until a tapping at her window brought her out of the haze. Opening her window, Clawdeen was surprised when Toralei climbed inside.
"I just got my cast off today!" the werecat whisper-shouted.
"It's only been three days." Clawdeen mumbled.
"I know. But they said I was doing so well that I should be good as new soon."
Clawdeen nodded and pulled Toralei down into the bed with her. "Sleep with me?" the werewolf asked.

"Alright." Toralei nodded. The two laid back and were both soon fast asleep.
Howleen tiptoed into the room, trying not to wake her sister. As she slipped into her nightgown, Howleen caught an unfamiliar scent. Sniffing the air, the orange-haired werewolf's eyes widened at the scent of cat. Growling low in her throat, Howleen let out a series of loud barks. There was a loud yowl followed by a number of hisses and snarls and an orange head appeared. Howleen growled at the werecat sitting on her sister's bed.
"What are you doing here?" Howleen demanded, glaring at the orange cat. There was a groan and Clawdeen's head appeared.
Howleen gasped and her eyes widened. "Clawdeen!" she breathed.
"Howleen! I'm trying to sleep."
Clawdeen sat up and Howleen was relieved to see that she was fully clothed. "I'm sorry Claw D, but there's a cat in the house."
"I know," Clawdeen yawned. "This is Toralei, my girlfriend."
Howleen's eyes nearly bugged out of her head and she began stuttering. Finally, she managed to create and entire sentence. "You're dating a female cat?" she squeaked.

"Yes." Clawdeen replied, pulling Toralei back down with her.
"Howleen could you please wait until morning? I'm so tired."
"One more question?" Clawdeen nodded. "Have you two…"
"Nope." Both girls replied together.
Howleen nodded and the three fell asleep. In the morning, Howleen glanced over at her sister's bed and wondered if it had been a dream. This was proven false when a soft 'meow' reached the werewolf's ears. Slowly, Toralei sat up and stretched, glancing at Clawdeen with a small smile. Howleen's eyes narrowed suspiciously as the werecat leaned down. There was a muffled whisper and Clawdeen's eyes slowly fluttered open.
"Good morning, Toralei," the elder werewolf yawned, sitting up and stretching.
"Morning Clawdeen." Toralei replied, stretching her arms and flexing her claws.
Clawdeen turned to Howleen and sighed. "Go ahead."
"How Long?"
"Two weeks." Clawdeen replied, beginning to get dressed as Toralei began washing herself and smoothing her fur.
"How far?"
"Small kisses and cuddling."
"Who knows?"
"No one."
"Gonna tell?"
"Any Estimate?"
"One month."
"Said the word?"
"Not yet."
"Still confident?"
"Of course."
Howleen nodded with a small smile and began changing. Clawdeen and Toralei went their separate ways when Clawdeen's mother called for breakfast. Toralei slipped out the window as Clawdeen headed out the bedroom door. Later, the girls met up a block from Monster High and kissed good morning. They walked to school side-by-side before parting once more for their lockers.

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