chapter 12

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"Hey Dee!"

lawdeen turned to see Draculara smiling at her. "What's up, Lara?"
"I think I may have an idea why you've been happier lately."
Clawdeen raised an eyebrow at her. "Oh really?"
"Yeah." Draculara bounced around for a moment before getting a sly smile. "There' a boy, isn't, there?"
Clawdeen chuckled at this. "There's no boy, Draculara."
The two began walking as Draculara began pestering her friend. "Of course there's a boy! Tell me who so I can blog it."
"There's no boy, Draculara."
Just then, Clawdeen's eyes flashed up and met Toralei's. A bright smile lit both their faces before they quickly composed themselves, but Purrsephone, Meowlody, and Draculara all saw the looks. Glancing in the general direction Clawdeen had looked, Draculara saw Clawd heading their way. Her eyes widened ni shock and she grabbed Clawdeen's arm.
"You're in love with Clawd?" the pink vampire hissed.

"What?' Clawdeen asked in confusion. "No! That would be really gross, Draculara. I mean, I love Clawd and all, but come on, he's my brother."
Draculara's eyes narrowed as Clawd finally made it to them. "So, what's up?" he asked.
"Clawdeen's got a crush, but she won't tell me who it is." Draculara said casually.
Clawd's ears pricked and his eyes focused on his slightly blushing sister. "Clawdeen, you're crushing? On who?"
"No one." Clawdeen told him. "It's no one."
Clawd raised an eyebrow. "Who's the lucky guy, Claw D?"
"No one!" Clawdeen exclaimed as Frankie and Lagoona strolled over.
"No one what?" Frankie asked.
"Clawdeen's crushing." Clawd told them.
"No way!" Frankie squealed.
"Way to go, mate!" Lagoona cheered. "Who's the lucky bloke then?"
"She won't tell." Draculara pouted.
"Come on, Clawdeen." Frankie begged, her eyes going wide.
"But I'm not crushing!" Clawdeen cried, her ears flattening to her head, praying that the others don't come.

Speak of the devil, Cleo, Ghoulia, Deuce, and Gill all walked over to their friends and commenced in the begging as well. Clawdeen was getting overwhelmed with all of the faces and questions.
"Who is it?" Deuce asked.
"Is he hot?" Cleo demanded, eyes narrowed.
"Is he a swimmer?" Gill inquired.
"Does he play casketball?" Clawd asked.
"Is he nice to you?" Frankie asked.
"Is he a jerk?" Draculara demanded.
"And most importantly…" Lagoona said.
"Who is it?" they all asked at once.
Clawdeen began pulling her hair out and screamed, "TORALEI!"
Everyone in the hall froze as Clawdeen's friends stared at her. All of a sudden, Cleo snickered. "You're joking, right? You're in love with Toralei?"
"I didn't say I was in love with her." Clawdeen said defensively. "I'm crushing on her."
"But she's a cat!" Clawd exclaimed incredulously.
"And she tried to get us kicked off the fearleading squad for good." Cleo shouted. Clawdeen knew what would happen next: more questions.
"How could this happen?" Deuce asked, scratching his head.
"Don't you hate her?" Frankie murmured.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Draculara demanded, hurt.
"How come you didn't tell me?" Clawd growled.
"But doesn't she hate you?" Gill asked, also scratching his head.
Clawdeen began hyperventilating and was about ready to explode when a melodious voice called over the other voices. "Let up, monsters! She's going to have a breakdown if you keep crowding her like this!"

All of the monsters moved aside to let Toralei through; the orange cat took Clawdeen's paws in her own and knelt them both down. "Take deep breaths, Deen." She murmured softly.
Clawdeen slowly did as she was told and she felt better. "Thanks." The werewolf whispered, gazing at Toralei gratefully.
Toralei nodded and they stood, looking at all of the monsters around them. Slow Moe, Spectra and her boyfriend, Phantonian, had all joined the group as well as Meowlody and Purrsephone.
"How long?" Clawd asked.
"Two weeks." Clawdeen sighed.
"Why didn't you tell anyone?" Draculara demanded.
"Because she knew you all would react like this." Toralei told them.
"No one asked you, Stripe!" Cleo snarled. Toralei hissed at her and the two stood nose-to-nose, growling in each other's faces.
"Stop!" Clawdeen ordered.
Toralei immediately returned to her side and Clawdeen laid a hand on her shoulder. "Toralei's right. I didn't want to have to face so many questions at once. I wasn't going to tell you for another month."
"Another month?" Draculara shrieked. "Why so long?"
"So that we could make sure the relationship was solid." Toralei and Clawdeen explained together.
"But she's a CAT!" Clawd shouted again.
"Draculara's a vampire!" Toralei hissed.
"Yeah, but she's not my opposite!" Clawd countered.
"Opposites attract!" Toralei argued.
"Not in this case, they don't!"
"Says who?"
"Says nature!"
"Since when does nature say who I choose to date?"
"Since the beginning of time! Dogs and cats have always fought!"
"Maybe there was an instance when they didn't fight! You never know!"
"They've always fought!"
"Prove it!"
"Prove they haven't!"
"I didn't think so!"
"That proved nothing!"
"No, it proved everything!"
"Like what?"
"That I can date Clawdeen if I want to!"
"No, you can't!"
"Why not?"
"Because I'm her older brother and I say so!"
"But you aren't the boss of me, Clawd!" Clawdeen finally broke in.
"But I am in school!" he countered.
"No you're not! I'm my own boss in school!"
"No you're not! I'm supposed to look after you! And that includes doing things that are stupid!"
"So now I'm stupid?"
"No, but the decision of dating a cat is!"
"How can you say that? I let you and Draculara date even though she's my best friend and I didn't want to let you two be together!"
"That's different! She loves me!"
"Who's to say I won't fall in love with Toralei?" Clawdeen snarled. "I could possibly fall for her!"
"It's not in our genes to do it! We've always fought each other. It's nature!"
"You know what? I'm done! I don't need this!"
Clawdeen broke free of the circle of monsters and began running down the hall toward the ghoul's bathroom. She locked herself in a stall and began sobbing at the lack of support she'd just gotten.
Toralei watched Clawdeen go with sad eyes. She turned angry eyes on Clawd and snarled at him. "Look what you've done!" she hissed.
"Don't jump down his throat!" Draculara growled.
"Then maybe I should jump down yours for not standing up for your best ghoulfriend!" Toralei argued, turning to her.
"Don't talk to her like that!" Clawd snarled, flexing at Toralei.

"You don't scare me, wolf boy. I may be crushing on your sister, but that won't stop me from kicking your furry butt if you touch me the wrong way."
"Stay away from my sister!" Clawd ordered.
"You can't make me stay away from her!" Toralei shouted. "And even if you could, I still wouldn't. Now, since none of her friends bothered to do so, I'M going to go offer Clawdeen some comfort."
Toralei strode down the hall, brushing past monsters and shoving some out of the way on her way to the ghoul's room. She could hear Clawdeen crying inside and her ears flattened to her head as she gently knocked on the stall door.
"Go away!" Clawdeen shouted from inside.
"Deen, it's me, Toralei." Clawdeen slowly opened the door before throwing herself into Toralei's arms.
"Sh," Toralei cooed, rubbing the werewolf's back. "It's alright. I think I set them a little straighter."
Clawdeen nodded and sniffed slightly, looking up into Toralei's eyes. Toralei found herself melting into the moonshine yellow of those beautiful eyes and soon she leaned down and placed a gentle kiss to Clawdeen's lips. When she pulled away, Clawdeen smiled at her gratefully and the two stared into each other's eyes dreamily.
"That it so cute!" Both girls jumped at the voice and turned to see Howleen grinning at them.
"Howleen!" Clawdeen exclaimed. "How long have you been standing there?"
"Nearly the entire time." The orange-haired werewolf replied, leaning against one of the sinks. "What's wrong Claw D?"
"None of my friends liked the idea of me dating Toralei." Clawdeen sniffed.
"I thought you were going to wait a month?"
"They jumped me and pressured me to tell them."
"She nearly keeled over from lack of breathable air." Toralei added.
"I'm sorry, Dee." Howleen said sympathetically. "I should have been there for you."
"Yeah, but now they must hate me for my choice of dating material."
"Do you not want to date me anymore?" Toralei asked sadly, her eyes turning sad as her ears flattened and her tail drooped slightly.
Clawdeen turned to her and gave her a reassuring smile. "No. I still want to give us a try."
Toralei smiled brightly at this and Howleen couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at how the two affected each other already.
"Ready to go back out and face your friends?" Toralei sighed. Clawdeen shook her head, but Howleen laid a hand on her shoulder.
"I'll be right there with you sis." She murmured.
"Me too." Toralei added, staring into Clawdeen's eyes. Slowly, Clawdeen nodded and the trio made their way back out of the bathroom just as the first bell rang.

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