chapter 18

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Clawdeen trudged through the hallway, her head bent and her eyes downcast. She was on her way to Clawposition and Literbature so that she could turn in her project when Frankie appeared next to her.

"Hey Clawdeen, how's your day?" the green-skinned girl asked.
"Ok." Clawdeen replied dully.
"Well, that's better than bad." Clawdeen nodded and continued walking.
Suddenly, she found herself being pushed against somebody. She was about to protest when a familiar scent reached her nose and she took a deep sniff, missing the smell wafting around her and the body pressed against hers in a hug was so inviting. But then, Clawdeen remembered that she wasn't dating Toralei anymore. Both girls pulled back and stared at each other, slowly getting lost in each others' eyes. Toralei was just leaning up, when the memory of what Clawd had told her came back and she quickly stepped back.

"Sorry," she mumbled. "I tripped." She hurried away with her ears flattened and her head down as Clawdeen stood still, staring after her. All at once, Clawdeen sniffed and ran for the ghouls' bathroom.
Clawd groaned and asked, "What happened?"
"You idiot!" Cleo shouted. "Remember what you told her? She's not to date Clawdeen or you would get those kids to beat her up again."
"Oh yeah." Clawd sighed. "Well then, let's try this…"
Later that day, Toralei was walking through the halls when a pair of arms dragged her into an empty classroom.
"Who's there?" she snarled. A light switched on and Toralei's breath caught. She was, once again, in a classroom filled with kids and, yet again, Clawd, Cleo and Draculara were at the front.
"I haven't done anything!" Toralei screamed. "I just tripped, I swear!"
"Calm down." Clawd snarled.
"Calm down?" Toralei screeched, her voice rising in pitch with each second. "How can you want me to calm down? The last time I was in this situation I nearly died! I'm not going to calm down!"
Just then, Frankie, Lagoona, Gill and the others stepped out of the surrounding kids and Spectra said, "We aren't going to hurt you, Toralei. Clawd, Draculara and Cleo have something to tell you."

All eyes switched to the three monsters and Clawd sighed. "I'm sorry I threatened you into breaking up with my sister. I thought it was for the best because of the oldest superstition in the world. I'd really appreciate it if you got back together with Clawdeen."
Toralei gulped and asked, "Is this some kind of joke? You guys are trying to make me say that I'll get back together with Clawdeen so that you can beat me up again."
"No we're not." Cleo grit out, glaring at her boyfriend. "We really are sorry for having these kids beat you up. We shouldn't have made them do that and we were the ones in the wrong, not you." Toralei stared at them skeptically.
Suddenly, Draculara burst out crying and lunged at Toralei, grabbing the werecat in a tight, squeezing hug. "I'm sorry!" the pink vampire wailed. "I'm so sorry I made you miserable and made Clawdeen miserable and made myself miserable. I hate not talking to Clawdeen! I hate not being her friend and having her over my house and being in her life. I'm not really in her life as much anymore because I'm usually with Clawd and I let my love make me blind. I'm sorry! Please get back together with Clawdeen! I want to see her smile again!"
Toralei gazed down at the vampire holding on to her in shock; she'd never seen Draculara get this emotional, not really. Toralei leveled a suspicious glare at Clawd and asked, "No tricks?"

"No tricks." The werewolf boy sighed. Toralei nodded and everyone in the room cheered.
"There's just one problem." Toralei hissed. "You got what you wanted, Wolf boy. Clawdeen won't talk to me, won't speak to me, hates looking at me and gets this pained expression every time she so much as thinks about me. How am I supposed to get back together with her after the pain you made me dish out?"
"What are you talking about?" asked a voice from the doorway. No one had noticed that the door was opened slightly and that anyone could try to come in or listen. Clawdeen stood in the doorway staring around her.
"She's your sister, Wolf boy." Toralei snarled. "You tell her the truth."
Clawd scratched his head nervously as Clawdeen's eyes zeroed in on him. "C-Clawdeen, um, I-I m-might have had, uh, a bit of i-influence on Toralei's decision t-to break up with you."
"How much influence?" Clawdeen asked lowly.
"Um, m-majority?"
"How much majority?"
"Ninety-three percent?" Clawdeen snarled at him.
"So who's at fault for the other seven percent?"
"Well, I have three percent." Cleo said loudly.
"And I have three point nine percent." Draculara sniffed.
"And these kids around us have point one percent." Clawd finished.
"What did you do, Clawd?" Clawdeen demanded angrily, her eyes flaming.
"I might have had these kids beat Toralei up until she was very close to death just so she would break up with you." Clawd mumbled.
Clawdeen stormed forward and grabbed her brother by the nose. "You did what?" she screamed. "I've been miserable for a week, I've been eating vegetables and working out more, and I've been cooped up inside because of you?"
"Claw D, it was a slight misunderstanding-!"
Clawdeen picked her brother up by his nose and threw him into the wall. "Slight misunderstanding?" Clawdeen shrieked. "Try amonstrous misunderstanding filled with grief, anger, misery, tears and disgusting food! How could you do this to me? I thought you wanted me to be happy!"
"I do want you to be happy!" Clawd shouted back, cowering slightly. "That's why everyone's here now. I'm trying to convince Toralei to take you back."
"And will she do it?"
"Well, she's kinda skeptical because I told her that if she dated you, I'd make these kids beat her up again…"
Clawdeen put a claw to her forehead before howling into the air. "You cannot be serious!" she shouted. She turned to everyone in the room until her eyes found Toralei. The werecat looked pretty beat up, she still had some visible bruises and scratches from the ambush.
"Toralei?" Toralei looked up at her fearfully, fully ready for a beating like the one Clawd had received. "will you take me back?"
Toralei stood and moved a little closer. "Shouldn't I be the one asking that question?" she said softly. "Deen, I'm so sorry I broke your heart and I'll understand if you don't want to go out with me anymore, but please don't tell me you don't love me because I love you. I love you so mu-."
Clawdeen cut the werecat's speech off with a kiss, pressing their lips together in a much-needed embrace. Toralei stopped talking and closed her eyes, her arms wrapping around Clawdeen's waist as she Clawdeen's arms went around her neck and they molded themselves together perfectly. After a few short moments, the girls pulled back slightly and grinned at each other.
"I love you, Stripe." Clawdeen giggled, gazing into the green eyes that captured her heart.
"And I love you, Wolf." Toralei replied, staring into the moonshine yellow eyes that made her heart melt.
"Will you go to the end of year dance with me?"
"Of course I will."
And everyone present cheered.

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