Chapter 1 - Friend, or foe?

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7.40 AM (GST)Japan, Kuoh.

Ryūno had just arrived at Kuoh on his motorcycle, he recently turned 16, so he could have one. And since he turned 16, he's now going to study in high school. Truth be told, In these past three years, his academic performance was the least of his concern. He spent most of his time bonding with his Sacred Gear - Doragonzu. He had learned a lot of control, and knowledge about his dragon powers.

"So, one of the first and most important things I wanted to teach you, is an ability called "Aura Purloin", it's an ability that allows you to rob the opponent of his strength. The limit of this ability is dependant entirely on your own body limit. Meaning, the stronger you get, the more your body can take. Your body has a tolerance, so be careful on how much you try to use it. Let's start off by doing some simple mental exercises.

Ryūno's POV

Yeah, he had remember quite a lot. The training was beyond hard. He was actually somewhat glad it was. It brought some spice to his life. Doragonzu was surprisingly a great teacher, he was like his best friend over those years, until the possession...but we don't speak of that now. And now he's transferring to one of the most prestigious high-schools in Japan - Kuoh Academy. This school had recently got co-ed. Meaning that previously it was an all-girls school, and now that boys are allowed to attend, I transferred here. The likely hood that there's gonna be other fellow males like him there is...unlikely. Regardless, he thought he'd probably like it here, it is a praised high school after all. It was hard to say goodbye to my previous caretaker, Ms. Akane. He said he'd try to visit her during summers, he grew quite fond of her...

"Pffft, you're gonna cry? Come on now, it's not like she's gonna be gone forever, grow a spine."

"Silence, lizard. Not in the best mood. I've still gotta get to my new apartment, so spare me your pathetic commentary, will you?" He asked in an annoyed tone. He's been traveling for about a couple of hours now, and this lizard was the last thing he needed right now.

"Okay, okay...I'll give you some time to yourself. But be thankful, whilst we hunted fallen angels, you were able to collect rare gemstones and artifacts to sell to human collectors. You have me to be thankful for that."  Doragonzu replied.

"Yeah, without those, I wouldn't have been able to rent out my apartment, my bank account is kinda full now. I didn't wanna buy too big of a house, that'd just make me a bigger target." Ryūno commented.

Time skip to Ryūno driving to his apartment.

3rd person POV

Ryūno arrived at his new place. He had to admit, it looked far better than he last saw it. Or maybe it was just his low standards, considering he lived in an orphanage nearly his whole life.

"Well, I should get unpacking, not that I have much, but It'd be best to clear out this mess." Ryūno said. 

Ryūno began to move his items into his new home. It took him 2 hours, seeing as he didn't have that much.

"Done." Ryūno said to his dragon.

"You should get some sleep, boy. Tomorrow is a big day. You're gonna be meeting a whole lot of new people." Doragonzu said.

"Sleep? Tch, right. Not like I actually can. Also, Doragonzu, I sense devils...and fallen angels? Why would the fallen angel be in devil territory?" Ryūno asked his Dragon.

"Yes, there's a lot of devil activity here. As for the fallen angels, that is a mystery, even to me. I'd suggest you be on your guard, fallen angels lure out sacred gear users using seduction, remember?" Doragonzu answered.

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