Chapter 8: What is the worth costed?

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Alice opens her eyes,

Meeting a familiar ceiling. Her eyes traveled here and there, taking in the details of the room she has seen every morning, but decided to do it anyway. The curtained window, the desk in front of the bed she laid, the mask on that desk, they were all familiar sights.

Her eyes went back to the ceiling, slowly blinking away her sleepiness until she could see with clearer, less sleep-deprived-sourced blurry, vision. This was a small routine she does to wake herself up, looking at the objects around her that she has familiarized with after a long time.

The only thing unfamiliar was the feeling of something a bit heavy on her shoulder near her collarbone. She looks to her left as her cheek almost meets her torso's skin, seeing nothing but an also familiar head of hair.

It rises slowly up and down along with Alice's slow breathing, almost in sync. It's bangs covering a face still familiar to Alice. She brushes them away gently with her right hand, pushing some behind the ear to reveal a peaceful, sleeping face.

Alice felt herself blush a tint at the sight, the hand she used to push back the bangs behind the ear slowly caressing it's way towards the cheek.

Her hand gently cups the sleeping face's cheek, pulling away slightly once she sees the nose scrunch up with slightly furrowed eyebrows with a cute little moan of drowsiness before it went back to it's peaceful state.

She smiles at the sight, seeing so many familiar things was soothing in a morning like this. Seeing a sleeping face like (Y/N)'s was definitely the highlight of the morning, seeing how she looked so at peace made Alice can't help but sigh in contentment.

Although it's just an Inn room, it was her technical home for now until they have to move for any reason. But as long as (Y/N) was there with her, anywhere felt like home, but this Inn room was exceptionally doable.

The light that was slightly pushing through the curtains wasn't bright, but still lit up the small room, giving off a warm feeling. This warm feeling was also in Alice's chest, feeling the small butterflies slowly come to life from the small flutter she felt within it.

The butterflies must've been fluttering more than Alice felt, because the head turned further to it's cheek, revealing more of the sleeping face Alice wouldn't mind waking up and blushing at for an eternity.

But alas, all good things must come to an end, the closed eye lids fluttering open that immediately locked with Alice's. Alice felt herself flinch slightly, but she relaxed once she saw the small smile she definitely loves.

Looks like she remembers what Alice said about smiling.

"Ohayou, Alice"

Her tone was gentle and soothing, something Alice was now more used to since she was used to mostly hearing her sound a bit more stern and cocky whenever they're out in the battlefield, so hearing that tye of tone directed towards her was a bit sweet.

Alice was smiling a bit wider than a while ago, humming to herself. She places her hand back on the cheek of (Y/N), caressing it with her thumb gently with (Y/N) slightly leaning into it with half lidded eyes.

"Ohayou, B-Chan"

Alice quickly snuggled into (Y/N)'s chest before she could see her reaction, giggling to herself once she heard a small 'hmph'. She felt arms wrap around her back, arching it slightly once she was pulled in closer.

Alice pulls her head to the crook of (Y/N)'s neck, trying to bring them closer if possible. The arms around her became tighter, Alice letting out a small squeak that was followed with a quiet scoff.

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