Chapter 18: Eye, spy

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"I thought I asked for something not so flashy??"
"That's actually the less flashiest one we have"
"Come on Kirito, you look nice in white, great even!"

As Kirito conversed with Eugeo and Asuna about the uniform he received along with guild membership for KoB, Alice leaned on the desk that was in her Inn room they all gathered in after a while.

Except for one, (Y/N), who still hasn't showed up after the message she sent 20 minutes ago saying she's on her way, so Alice felt concerned.

She sighs to herself, staring at the Inn door that she's still waiting for it to be pushed open to reveal (Y/N) in all her glory with possibly answers to her questions waiting in anticipation along with Alice.

Then the Inn room's door opened with a slight creaking sound at the halftime of it opening after what felt like an eternity, revealing someone with the same white uniform as them that made Alice jump from the sudden sight that soon made her blush a bright red.

Her uniform wasn't as flashy as suggested, but damn white was really her color that it made Alice want to shrivel up into a ball to hide her face from what was in front of her that now locked eyes.

"Why? Is there something wrong with the uniform?"

(Y/N) spoke, turning around to try and spot what Alice was possibly seeing, only for her to accidentally show off her entire body in the uniform Alice could die just by seeing it her. But she continues to stare with each second of her face becoming redder, swearing Asuna was watching.

So she slapped her face with both hands, pushing herself off the desk and holding (Y/N) by the shoulders. She stops turning around almost in a panicky manner, her almost pure face expression meeting Alice's.

"Y-You look fine, definitely.."

She muttered the last part, feeling shame of thinking something a bit too lewd for someone who is much more innocent than she was. So Alice clears her throat, hearing Asuna giggle made her feel a lot more nervous than needed.

She shot her a small death glare, turning back at (Y/N) with an awkward grin and chuckle. She notices (Y/N) with a strange look of adornment in her eyes, making her look brighter than she already was even with almost a blank expression.

She swore she had a small twinkle in her eyes, but she couldn't try and look closer since her view averted up to the ceiling as her body was slightly squished into an embrace. Alice squeaks, feeling two arms wrap around her arched back.


(Y/N) mutters, confusion spreading through Alice's body before she came to her senses and decided to take this as a moment to ask one of her million questions. So she asks the first thing that popped up in her mind just from hearing (Y/N)'s mutter.

"Ne.. when you said you'd only duel with one condition noted down, what is it?"

She visibly flinches, meaning it must be something Alice wasn't meant to know, but the her arms loosened around her, pulling Alice in front of her now by the shoulders. Her eyes averted from Alice's, her cheeks tinted with a bit of pink almost invisible with her light skin tone.

She didn't speak, and the longer Alice stared at her in anticipation, the more her blank expression turned into an embarrassed one. Until she cracked under the pressure.

"Eto.. the condition was for you to be escorted at all times.. by... myself"

The tinted pink color on her cheeks turned red, her shoulders becoming slightly shrugged as Alice felt an arrow in her heart.

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