Chapter 22

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"We should um... get going it's um... getting late" i struttered as I looked at him, but making sure I made no eye contact. 

He nodded and we walked back to our houses in silence. Just as I was about to walk towards my house he grabbed my arm and whispered in my ear.

"I've missed you"

I blushed as I walked away and into the house. I sighed and went straight to my room. I was so tired and I was not at all hungry anymore. I flicked off my shoes and got into bed, without bothering to get changed and fell asleep. 

I woke up the next morning with Matt shaking me.

"Hurry up and get ready or we'll miss the bus!" he shouted.

"Shhh" I hushed him as I got up and made my way out of my room to the shower.

Once I had showered I went to eat my breakfast and then came up and got ready. I was ready five minutes before the bus came. As Matt and I got out of the house making our way to the bus, Hayes caught up with us. The butterflies in my stomach were fluttering and I felt extremely awkward. I gave him a quick 'hi' and then went to the bus. I was ecstatic when I saw Jack was not on the bus and laughed when I realised Matt most likely threatened him. Hayes was sat in the seat he used to sit in- with his best friends seat empty like before I came along- and Matt went to sit with some of the boys at the back. I was about to go and sit with the boy who picked his nose again but as I walked past Hayes he gripped his hand around my arm and pulled me back to where he was. He moved over and pulled me down into the seat he was just in. I sighed but made myself comfortable anyway.

"Why were you going to go and sit with him? You went mental at me when I made you sit with him before" he questioned.

I sighed.

"I don't know, it's not like there was any other option"

He raised his eyebrow and then scoffed.

"Excuse me? It's not like there wasn't a spare seat next to me!" He started to say loudly, catching the attention of others on the bus.

"Do not shout at me Hayes!" I snapped. "It's not like you really wanted me to sit next to you otherwise you would have sat in the other seat anyway. You only dragged me to you when you realised who I had to sit next to because you remember I got angry with you last time!"

"Don't shout at me Hayes" he mocked me in a girly voice. "What are you my fucking mother?" he said raising his voice- once again. "You don't have the right to tell me what to do. The only reason I sat where I was is because I thought you were going to sit somewhere else. You've barely even acknowledged me this morning so do not fucking blame this on me!"

"Mocking me, wow fucking mature. God you're so fucking annoying, this is the reason we stopped fucking talking!"

The bus was starting to pull into school as I said that.

"I'm annoying? Ha, you weren't saying that last night when we kissed. You're only saying that now to make the fact I'm such a great kisser and you fucking suck less awkward!"

I heard so many gasps come from around us and I felt like someone had just ripped out my heart and crushed it. Now, I was angry.

"If I fucking suck, why do you still keep coming onto me over and over again? You know what? Fuck you!" I picked up my bag, got out of my seat and stutted off the bus not even bothering to look back.

I walked into school and walked straight to the bathroom. I put my elbows on the sink and leaned my head on them. I started laughing at how ridiculous I was to think that Hayes has changed and wasn't as bad as I thought he was, but that soon turned into violent sobs. The bell went meaning we had five minutes until class started and I sighed at the fact I had to sit next to Hayes for hours. I sorted out my eyes and walked out of the bathroom with my head held high and started walking to class.

Secret Love - Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now