Chapter 5

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About an hour later the film had finished and me and the kids decided to tidy up a bit. We got into our pyjamas and made a bed on the floor. We were just about to put another film on as the doorbell went.

I groaned as I got up. "Who's that now?"

It was Hayes, again.

"Why are you back?"

"Because, I felt bad about shouting at you like seriously that was really low I know and also I felt bad for leaving you to babysit three kids over night so I'm back"


"Gosh, you sound so happy" he said as he walked in.

The kids really liked Hayes, I don't know why they liked him that much because I mean he didn't have the best personality, especially of what they've seen of him but as soon as he walked into the front room they all shouted his name and jumped on him. My stepbrother liked him the most but that was understandable. I closed the door, sighed and walked into the room where I saw the kids all over Hayes.

"Grace I have a question"


"Why aren't you dating Hayes? He's literally the coolest guy ever"

"Yeah Grace, why aren't you?" Hayes said with a wink.

I glared at him and then replied to my brother "don't start this again"

Hayes looked really disappointed. I went to sit down when my brother moved to the edge so that I had to sit next to Hayes who winked at my brother as if he told him to do that. I sat down and hit him lightly on the arm, he sniggered. Hayes put his arm around my shoulder, pulled my head into his chest, rested his on the top of my head and wrapped his other arm around my body. Now this was getting weird. I was kind of comfy though. It was getting on nine o'clock and my step brother and sisters had all fallen asleep and I was still snuggled into Hayes. I decided I wanted a drink so I got up and went to the kitchen, only to have Hayes follow me.

"What're you doing?"

"Getting a drink"

"Why didn't you ask me to make you one?"

"Because I know how to make a drink Hayes, I'm not two years old"

"Sorry, I was only trying to be helpful. I'm making cocoa, I'm going to make you one"

I knew there wasn't much point in arguing with him so I just agreed and decided I'd make some popcorn. I was standing by the microwave watching the popcorn as Hayes stood behind me and put his hands on my waist. I went to get his hands off but as I did he turned me around and locked his fingers into mine. I sighed and rolled my eyes as I watched him smirk. He kissed my forehead, grabbed the drinks and walked back into the front room leaving me confused, and speechless. His lips were so soft they made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. The microwave went off which made me jump, which led me to screaming. I heard Hayes laughing in the front room and I heard that I had woken up my seven year old brother and sister (they were twins). I walked in but as I went to sit down I realised there was no space because Hayes, my brother and my sister had spread out across the mattress with my youngest sister laying on the edge, fast asleep.


"But I'm comfy" he winked.

"Move or I'm going to tip this all over you"

"Yeah no don't do that. I washed my hair this morning"

"Then move!"

"Come and sit on my lap or in between my legs like cute couples do" he said with a cheeky grin on his face.

"We're not a cute couple Hayes, we're not even a couple and we never will be"

"Doesn't stop us from acting like one" he, once again, winked at me and my brother and sister laughed at him. They found him hilarious when he honestly was not funny, at all.

I sighed, gave in and sat in between his legs but instead of lying on his chest I sat up so he couldn't see the TV and every time he moved his head, I moved mine too. Eventually he pulled me into his chest, I turned around and smirk at him and just as I went to turn back around he gripped his hands around my face and kissed me. He didn't pull away for a few minutes, and every time I went to he would lean closer to me and pull my head towards him. When he finally did pull away I turned around, so that he couldn't see me blush, and buried my face in my hands in shame and shook my head.

"I thought you two weren't going out?" I heard my seven year old sister Zoe ask.

"We're not" I mumbled with my face still in my hands. I stood up, walked out the room to go get my phone charger and think about what just happened, when yet again I was followed by Hayes.

"What're you doing now?"

"Getting my phone charger. Why are you following me?"

"I see you enjoyed that ayyy"

"No, Hayes you need to stop I don't like you in that way"

"So you like me?" he winked.

"Get lost"

I sat down on my bed and started texting Emily. Hayes started to leave the room but I called him back.


"If I went out for a walk, would you be able to look after the kids for a bit?"

"You want to go out for a walk, at nearly ten in the night, here?"


"Grace it's dangerous. You can't go out at dark here!"


I got in my bed and asked Hayes to shut the door on his way out and that I'd been down soon, but instead he came and crawled into bed with me. I turned onto my side so that I wasn't facing him when he started to spoon me, his head buried into my back where my spine was. I don't know what it was, but it just felt so right. I decided to tell Emily about Hayes. I explained the how he was popular and what happened on the first day and my reply was...

"So, he's like Taylor?"

"I don't know. Kind of. But Hayes is a lot nicer, and Emily I think I'm falling for him"

"Oh no, Grace that is not an option. I will literally come down to you and knock sense into your head. I'm not letting you get hurt by one of those narcissistic assholes again"

"Come see me anyway please! And I know, he just seems different. You need to meet him because I can't really describe it"

"Alright b, I'm going to sleep because Jess is dragging me shopping tomorrow ugh it's going to be terrible without you! Love you"

I laughed then erupted into tears.

"You alright?" I heard Hayes behind me, it sounded like he had fallen asleep and me crying had woke him up.

"Um, yeah. Yeah I'm fine" I wasn't fine though, I missed my best friends. I missed being dragged along shoe shopping by Jess whilst me and Emily would walk around pointing out hot boys and drinking our starbucks.

Hayes kissed my neck which sent shivers down my spine. "We should go downstairs and look after the kids" he said, breathing heavily on my neck.

We got up and I grabbed my charger, as we walked out Hayes grabbed my hand and locked his fingers in mine. I looked at our hands, then at him. He was staring at our hands and then stared at me. He was smiling. He really liked to flirt with me. It was very, very strange.

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