Chapter 6

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The weekend went quite fast and it was already time for me to go back to school. I was a bit late but Hayes was already in his seat. He smiled at me as I walked onto the bus but as I went to sit down, someone else sat there instead. It was a girl with long blonde hair which was quite wavy. I thought Hayes would have told her the seat was taken but instead, he decided to start talking to her. Not even looking at me. I sighed and went and sat next a weird boy who picked his nose, he was so rank. I still had no friends at school, so I walked around alone. At lunch I sat behind a big building where nobody was and started to text Emily hoping she would have her phone. We were texting until the bell went, and I had fifth period. I'd been crying so I got up and wiped the tears out of my eyes. I got into the hallway and as I was walking to my class Hayes walked past me, he smiled and I glared back. He looked confused which kind of surprised me. I was right about him, he was just playing me to embarrass me, and Emily was right too. I had to stay away from him otherwise I would get hurt.

Sixth period went fast and it was time to go home but instead of getting the bus, I decided I'd walk home, even if it was half an hour. I saw Hayes stare at me as if he was asking me what I was doing when he saw I didn't get on the bus. I shook my head and carried on walking. It was freezing cold and a storm started, just my luck. I got a text from Hayes.

"Hey, are you home yet? Why didn't you get on the bus? You're such a confusing person"

I ignored it, so he sent me another.

"Why are you ignoring me? Why have you been really weird with me today Grace? I went to say hi to you but you gave me a fucking death stare. What's your problem?"

I decided to reply, which wasn't easy as I could barely see my phone screen because of all of the water dropping on it.

"You want to know why I'm annoyed with you. You made me sit next to the boy who picks his fucking nose Hayes. He's disgusting, his hair is greasy and he smells so bad. I'm pretty sure he hasn't showered for about a month. I walked home because I didn't want to sit next to him, again and no. I'm not home."

"How is it my fault you sat next to him?"

"You just let that girl sit there! There was nowhere else to sit but there and at the back"

"What was I meant to do? Tell her she can't sit there? And why didn't you just sit at the back?"

"Well you used to do that, before I came along. And you really think I'm going to go and sit at the back so I can have abuse thrown at me? Are you fucking stupid Hayes? Just don't text me, ever again. I don't want to see you apart from in school. When I'm made to see you."

I finally got home, I ran upstairs, got changed and threw myself onto my bed where I buried my head into my pillow. My mum was home. She came into my room and sat on my bed.

"Why did you take so long to get home? And why are you crying?"

"I walked home and I'm crying, because I hate it here. I miss Emily and Jess. And it sounds weird, but I miss everyone at my old school. I want to go home"

I saw tears fill up my mum's eyes. "Grace" she sighed. "You are home"

I looked down at my hands which were in my lap. I shook my head. "No mum, you're home"

She looked heartbroken. I know my mum didn't want to make things worse for me by moving here, she actually thought it would be better for both of us. But it was only better for her.

"Hayes has been round two times already; he wanted to see if you were home. But anyway, I'm going to order some pizza and I'm going to make you a cup of tea. I'll bring it up to you once it's done. Put on a movie and get warm, I'll put the heating on"

She started to walk out the door.

"Mum," she turned around. "I love you"

She smiled, "I love you too Grace"

Secret Love - Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now