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Trust me


"jimin, you and mina should stay together", namjoon said getting nods from the both of them, as he continued to assign each and every person where they would stay and who are staying together and other stuffs.

"it's a shame that yugyeom couldn't help us on this journey", yoongi said getting nods and sighs from everyone.

"we can't help duh he was so sick and he didn't even tell anyone about it." namjoon said and jungkook snorted, " duh that dude is so stubborn." he said as he looked at yoongi who's looking at him weirdly.

"just like you, mr. stubborn. that's your bestfriend of course he'll be like you." yoongi said and they all laughed making jungkook annoyed.

"ugh shut up hyungie." 

"well well, it was such a long ass ride imma having a jet lag rn" jimin said as he grabbed mina's hand, which made her let out an yelp, "might wanna borrow my wife for some help." he smirked and waved at everyone who went to their respective rooms.

when they enntered their room his hand was still wrapped on mina's wrist.

"ahem." mina cleared her throat as she looked at her wrist.

jimin seemed to finally realize as he let go of her wrist and scratched his head.

"didn't know you're so possessive of me, mr. park" mina stated, clearly annoying jimin as he looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"how many times should i tell you to not call me that?" jimin said clearly getting annoyed.

"oops! my bad, sorry mr. husband." she said , and released her wrist from his hand and layed down on the bed with a thud.

"mina, your talking way too much you know that right?" jimin asked, and mina sat up, folding her legs and smiled making jimin's heart skip a beat.

"so i can't even talk now?" , she said and frowned and suddenly got engulfed in a hug and which made her gasp.

"of course, you can talk mina i just- i just missed you so much." he said , as he tightened the hug, crushing mina under his big arms and hiding his neck on the crook of her neck.

" i missed you too, jimin." she said, running her hand through his raven locks 

"but uhm let's talk about us after all this ends", she continued and loosened her grip on him and entered the restroom before he even calls out.

please wait for me

it was night time and they were returning to their own rooms bidding goodbyes after having dinner at the restaurant in their lodge since it was a very expensive hotel the food was so good.

at once jimin and mina entered their room , jimin quickly sat on his bed as he was having a terrible headache but he didn't wanted to make mina worry so he kept on massaging his temples.

mina noticed the discomfort and quickly sat next to jimin and grabbed his hand, " you should've told me that you are having a headache so i could help you to massage your temples." she said as she made jimin to lay on her lap and he did as he was told.

she continued massaging his temples slowly and strongly to make the pain go away and jimin was relieved , he felt his pain going away rather faster than he expected.

as expected of mina

"did you take any pills?" she concerned now looking straight through his eyes.

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