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Snow turned the knob and quickly threw the door open. The sound echoed through the hallway. My ears rung madly. I felt my breathing began to speed up. Collapsing to my knees I felt my bones crack. I felt Snow's gaze looking at me. She made no attempt to help me up. I gasped for air. My body shook fiercly and my skin burned. Sweat dripped from my face. I felt my shoulders move forwards. My spine moved, I could barely bear it. I fell onto my stomach and tilted my head up to Snow. A sinister smile crept across her face. My head fell back down. A breeze brushed against my body. I realized I was naked. I bit my lip and looked up as my bones snapped again. My hands and feet had turned to paws. They were a silver-blue color like the moon. I was covered in fur now. My face was the only thing that hadnt changed.

I tried to make sense of Snow but I couldn't focus. Heat seared across my body in waves. The hallway began to go dark. I rolled to my side. The last thing I saw was Snow laughing, Reanon's hand lay on her shoulder. He grinned at me as the colors faded away. I closed my eyes and growled as the transformation touched my face.

"Atraya," a voice said, "wake up," I realized it was Faith,he voice quavered," we don't have much time."

I opened my eyes slowly and tried to speak but a wolf growl came out. I hadn't changed back, I was still a silver-blue wolf. I pulled myself onto my feet shakily. I looked at Faith with worry In my eyes. She had a deep gash on her arm and cheek. She stood bravely tho. I noticed I was nearly as tall as Faith. She pulled herself onto my back. She held the scruff of my neck tightly. I heard a sniffle. She had been crying.I stood still hesitating and unsure.

"Go, we have to go," I obeyed and began to trot.

It was strange at first. I wasn't used to having four legs. With some helpful pointers from Faith I got a hang of it. She steered me back to my room. Faith slipped off my back and opened the door with a paperclip. I wanted desperately for her to explain. She swung the door open wide and we went inside. I sat by my dresser and played with my paws. Faith had closed the door silently. I whined.

"I will explain," she said quietly," first I need to clean my cut,"I nodded.

I heard the clear sound of Faith's delicate steps. Something had broke her. I heard the crystal sound of the water coming from the faucet. It was strange. Every sound for miles I could hear. I focused on something, like a bird. I could hear the bird songs like they were right in front of me. I pawed the carpet anxiously.

How did Faith get me?

Where is Snow and Reanon?

Is Kurio safe out there?

Faith's gentle voice tools me from my worries. I looked at her.

"I was following Reanon for awhile before you showed up. He is my cousin, I was worried that something was up. He had been involved in some bad stuff," her eyes teared up, "he almost died."

I walked up to her and gently nudged my snout into her palm. She patted my head and looked from me.

"I found out that he was a sorceror before I was brought here. Nobody knew that he was being controlled by a higher power. I tried to snap him out of it but I couldn't do it. He wouldn't listen to me, wouldn't talk to me."

Tears dropped onto the carpet like rain fall. I felt terrible for Faith. Some sympathy was also guided to Reanon. I groaned at how I couldn't ask questions.

"Snow," my ears pricked," she had been helping me try to help Reanon. Today Reanon took her. Its all my fault. I had tracked Reanon down and we had made this cure for him. He was outraged, cast a spell on Snow and she is controlled now too. I saved you tho."

I nosed around my room looking my phone. I realized it had been with me when I changed. I needed to change back. I ran around the room thumping hard at the wooden floor. Faith eyed me, confused then seemed to get the message as I stood on my hind legs and tried my best to walk. She instructed me to focus on what I looked like as a person. I pictured myself in my mind as I did Kurio. The change back was far less painful. A few snaps and twists and I was Atraya the person again. I rubbed my shoulders and stood up from where I kneeled. I was magicaly fully clothed. I felt my phone in my pocket and dialed Kurio's number. Slipping the paper back into my pocket I held the phone to my ear. Faith sat on my bed quietly.

I heard Kurio on the other end of the line, "Who is this?"

"Its Atraya."

"Oh hey," he was casual unaware of his danger.

"Your in danger! Get back to my room quickly."

Faith shook her head," we have to meet him outside, we need to be outside of Reanon's eyes."

"Outside," I said to Kurio


"Where?" I mouthed to Faith.

"The old greenhouse," she said into my phone quickly then hung up.

I snatched it back and looked at Faith. Her blood was racing inside of her. Dark rings formed under her eyes.

"No, no!" I ordered," can't change."

Anger swelled up even more inside of her. I realized that certain things changed a person into a wolf. For Kurio it had been worry. For me it had been a loud sound. Anger must be what sets off Faith. Yes she can control it but Anger set her changing out of control.

I calmed myself and quietly spoke," Faith? Its Atraya I want you to stay human okay? I know you can do it. Come back."

The rings faded and slowly Faith focused on me. I pulled her out the door, down the elevator, and out of the school. She pointed towards the old greenhouse. After a few minutes of running we had arrived at the greenhouse. The glass panes were broken and cracked. This place hadn't been touched in awhile. Faith stepped through a broken pane and I followed. The door was covered in ivy so that's why we went through the window. The natural plants thrived here. The ones that most likely grew in the forest. Glass broke under a foot far from us. We ducked behind a barrel and waited. I pulled out my cell and quietly dialed Kurio's number.


I hung up the phone. Whoever was in here was definitely not Kurio.

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