39) Miss you

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Song for this chapter is Miss You by Louis "Tommo" Tomlinson

**Louis' P.O.V**

"Come on Lou! Please come out with us! Just for one night! It's our first proper night out after having Delilah. Don't ruin this. You don't even have to drink. Please?" An Irish-man begged me.

"No Niall! For the 7th time! I don't feel like going out. I just want to curl up on my sofa with a tub of ice-cream and cry whilst watching emotional movies." I tell him. It's all I've done in the evenings since Harry left. During the day, I try to be more productive but it usually just ends in me writing songs for hours.

"Oh Lou, how could I possibly ask you to cancel such important plans." He says sarcastically. "Please? We actually have stuff to celebrate and we want to do it in a fun way!" He tells me. What stuff do we have? I couldn't think of anything.

"Like what?" I ask. Liam and Niall glance at each other before yelling the answer together.

"WE'RE ENGAGED!!" The scream so loud I'm surprised I'm not deaf. What they said sunk in for a minute. I had never seen them this excited.

"Wow! Really?" I ask. I couldn't say I was surprised. They had been hinting at each other to propose for ages, both too scared in case the other said no. Idiots. Could they not tell the other was totally ready? "Who finally asked who?"

"Liam asked me. It was so cute. He took me to the ice-cream place where we had our first date. It was kinda cliche but also perfect at the same time. He asked the ice-cream person to put the ring in the bottom of my cone when I wasn't paying attention. I admit I nearly swallowed it, but that's because I was hungry and hadn't noticed it."

I sigh. "Fine. We can go out. But I am not drinking much. One pint, max. Got it?"

They both nod. "One pint." Niall replies. "Or five. Come on lets go!!" He says quickly at the end. I shake my head and chuckle. He was right. There was no way I was just going to have just one drink.


We get to the bar and order our first round of drinks. My one drink policy was already out the window. I was planning to get hammered, to forget about Harry for just one night.

Drink after drink, shot after shot, Harry was finally off my mind. I was just dancing wildly and freely with Niall and Liam, celebrating their news. It felt amazing. I was so happy. Until I felt someone grinding against me. I moved out their way, not bothering to even look at them. I couldn't even think about hugging a guy that isn't Harry, let alone dance with them. But this person just followed me. I'd had enough.

"Stop! Take a hint dude. Stop following me!" I yell at him, still not turning around. I storm off to the bathroom so I can lock myself in a stall for a breather. Harry rushed into my mind. The thought of him sobered me up quite a lot. I missed him. I missed him so much. I couldn't go another day without seeing him. I decided to message him.

To Haz:
Miss you. Cone c mre 2murro. Hsvve to talj to yoy. Pleese

I knew I was too drunk to type properly, so I hoped he could decipher what I was saying.

After sitting in the stall for a few minutes, I decided I was calm enough to go home. I unlocked the door and before I could do anything else, I felt someone kissing me. I shoved whoever it was off of me.

It was Pat.

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