I'll catch you when you fall, I promise.

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Hand in hand, the couple ran into the ice complex and chose their skates. Rose's were a pale pink and had a snowflake design running up from the heel to her ankle. The Doctor's were TARDIS blue and didn't have a pattern however the blades were much more polished and therefore sparkled more in the artificial light. As they made their way onto the rink, Rose stopped in her tracks and breathed deeply. The Doctor looked round and saw that her face was nearly white. "What's wrong?"

She sighed and said "It's silly. I'm," she giggled but the Doctor was still nervous, " I'm terrified." She forced a smile and turned round towards a bench near the entrance. The Doctor followed and took hold of her hand. "You can't seriously be telling me that Rose Tyler, my bestest friend in the whole universe, is scared of skating on ice? This is, I should point out, the woman who single handily, defeated the daleks and saved all of man kind. She also saved the soul of a very battle scared timelord and to this day, will run into the face of danger if it means she can travel with a pretty darn sexy alien with some really great hair in sharp looking suit." He stared into her eyes again, making her stare up at his. "Why did you say all that?" She smiled.

"It was my way of telling you how fantastic you really are to me. Anyway," he smiled, pulling a piece of stray blonde hair and tucking it behind her ear, "why are you so scared of the ice?"

"Why aren't you?" She questioned. She looked down at her lap and sighed. "I'm scared because if I trip, who will catch me and stop me from falling? Who will stop me from inevitably hurting myself?" She turned her head and sighed. The Doctor leaned forward and gave her a look she knew well. He grinned at her and squeezed her hand. "I will."

When they eventually got on the ice, Rose actually felt comfortable and glided across the rink gracefully. The Doctor however was less so. He stumbled and nearly tripped several times and eventually had to lean against the barriers of the circuit. He watched the girl slide across the ice and he smiled to himself. He was so proud of his earth girl. As pink and yellow as she was, she truly was perfect in every single way. Maybe he should tell her. Maybe she should know now. That would cheer her up more won't it? It will make this day even more perfect. He nodded to himself and slowly gained speed. He glided over to her and called her name. She turned her head and smiled and he saw her make her way over to him. Inches away from each other and both smiling. This was their happy moment and nothing could spoil this...

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