Chapter one

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No ones pov:

Taehyung woke up due to his alarm. It's been going off for a few minutes, and he can't take it anymore. He really doesn't want to wake up, take a shower, look for an outfit, and go to a new school. It's to much work to even push the stop button on his phone. At least he's going to a new school with Jimin.

Jimin is his best friend, he's known him since they were in diapers. Luck for him Jimin lives across the street. So that's why he heard a knock down stairs when he woke up. Great jimins already here it's only seven am.

School doesn't start for another hour. Not to mention they live ten minutes away from the school. He can hear his dad downstairs talking to Jimin. Of course, he walked in like it's his home. That's okay though he still loves him as his best friend.

"Taehyung!'' Jimin shouts walking into the boys room. He sees taehyung still in bed, and decides to jump on him. Making the poor boy groan in pain. "Ya jiminie that's hurts" taehyung says sitting up. "And I'm awake"

Taehyung gets up with only underwear on. He needs to go to the bathroom, and take a shower. Not right now anyways as Jimin pushed him back in bed. "Taehyungie can I help" he says poking taehyungs very noticeable morning wood.

He just nods his head yes. It's not weird if him and Jimin have done this more than once. They've even showered together.

After Jimin helped taehyung with his problem he let him go take a shower. Once he's in the bathroom he goes to taehyungs desk/vanity. He pulls the make up out and starts applying it to his skin. He decides to keep it nice and simple.

Once taehyung is out of the shower he gets his clothes on and sits down do Jimin and do his make up. (Still simple) once they are done, they head downstairs to eat breakfast. His dad is gone he had left a while ago.

So now it's him, Jimin, and his Appa. They only eat a few fruits cause they are on a vegetarian diet. That means no meat, chicken, or fish. "Taehyung your father wants you home as soon as school is over, we have to go to dinner with the director of jung industries" his Appa says all in one breath.

Damn, he really forgot about dinner with the jung's. Don't get him wrong he has nothing against them it's just that he's never even meet them. "Ok Appa I'll come home as soon as I can" taehyung says. Jimin grabs him by the wrist and drags him out of the house. "Bye baekhyun"

They are walking to school, but it's not just any school. It's Big Hit Academy. The school that only accepts really talented people of people who paid their way in. Jimin is really talented, he can sing like an angel and looks like one too. Taehyung can sing as well, but he doesn't see himself as an angel. He also got accepted when his father paid the school.

When they arrive they looked at the building in awe. It was huge and looked fancy. They made there way to the office, and asked for their schedules, and locker codes.

Their first class of the day vocal studies. It's also their last class of the day. They make their way to the music rooms. There are about fifty rooms. When they make it to the door the bell rang. The teacher appears behind them. "Ah you must be the new students" he says opening the door for them. Once the walk in all eyes are on them. They can hear people whispering about how cute they are. "Hello class, today we have new students would you please introduce yourselves"

"Hello I'm park Jimin I hope we can be friends" Jimin says, and all the girls stare at him like he fell from the heavens. Now taehyungs turn. "Hello my name is Kim taehyung, I'm sixteen years old please treat me well" he says. Everyone is clearly shocked on the boys deep voice. "Okay can you please sit down near seokjin" the teacher says pointing at jin with a stick.

They make their way to the back of the room. All the girls were awing at the two boys. Some of the boys were turning gay just from looking at two pieces of art. When they sit down next to who they assume is seokjin, he introduces himself. "Hi I'm kim seokjin" he says putting his hand out.

After ten minutes of talking with the teacher three boys walk in. "Ah gentleman, nice of you to join us" the teacher says facing his attention away from the two boys. "Sorry Mr. lee I guessed we missed the bell" a tall male with purple hair says. They make their way to their seats, and notice two boys who they've never seen before.

"Hello I'm kim namjoon you?" The male with purple hair says. "I'm Jimin this is taehyung.
Namjoon hits the two other males arms and they look at him. He whispers for them o introduce themselves. "Hi I'm yoongi" the male with mint hair says. "H-Hi I'm jun-jungkook" the male with black hair says.

"Nice to meet you three" taehyung says shocking the three boys. "How old are you" yoongi ask. "Sixteen" taehyung replies looking back up from his phone. All three of the boys stare at him in shock.

"Alright hoseok, I've updated attendance please run his down to the office" Mr. lee say handing the cute boy named hoseok a sheet of paper. "That wouldn't happen to be jung hoseok would it?" Taehyung ask looking over at namjoon.

"Yeah thats him why" he answers looking confused as to how the boy knows him. He didn't get to me to respond as Jimin started laughing. "Ya shut up it's not funny" taehyung says sitting down, forgetting about namjoons question.

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