Chapter eleven

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No ones pov:

"Hello, my name is kai. I hope we can be friends" Kai says waving his hand at the other students. He can hear some students talking about him mostly girls. That's not important though, he can see taehyung staring right at him. Their eyes meet, and Kai takes this opportunity to wink at younger.

Jungkook is glaring at Kai. Especially now that he saw him winking at his fiancée. I mean of course he doesn't know that but still. He wraps his arm around a blushing taehyung, and pulls him closer to him. All while glaring at Kai.

He kisses him on the cheek and makes taehyung blush harder. Jimin sees this and hits jungkook on the back of the head. "We're in class you dumb bunny." He then leans closer to jungkooks ear. "And he's not yours yet, so back up" Jimin whispers pulling taehyung away from jungkook.

Jungkook can only glare at Jimin now that Taehyung is talking to him. He wasn't paying any attention to kai, and now kai is sitting right by taehyung. Great taehyung is between the person he hates the most, and the person who is getting near his level of hatred for Jimin. He sees kai talking to taehyung.

After multiple failed attempts of trying to listen to Taehyung's, and kai's conversation, jungkook finally gives up. They are whispering so he won't hear them for a while. He can see taehyung blushing, and that just angers him. Only he's allowed to make taehyung blush like that. So he makes a mental note that when taehyung is completely his, he'll have to punish him. In bed of course.

As soon as the bell rings jungkook stands up and rushes to taehyung. Jungkook wraps his arm around taehyungs waist and glares at Jimin as he does the same. They both sandwich taehyung and walk out of the classroom. "What are you guys doing? I was talking to kai." Taehyung says trying to get out of their grip.

Obviously he failed miserably.

"Taehyung we don't like him" they both respond at the same time. Taehyung just rolls his eyes and opens his locker. "I don't care if you don't like him. He's my new friend."

For the rest of the day they tried to convince taehyung to not talk to kai again, but he didn't listen. Why would he listen. It's not like he belongs to them. He will to jungkook right after he graduates, but he has two more years to be with anyone he wants. Of course he wants to be with jungkook, but he hasn't asked taehyung. He just acts all clingy and kisses him, yet they aren't even dating. Jungkook has never brought up the topic.

Maybe he should bring it up. Build up his courage and ask him out. Easy right? No. Taehyung is scared what if he rejects him. What if he makes fun of him. He needs help and the only person he trust with this is hiding him self from everyone.

"Hey tae, can I come over?" Hoseok said after he poked him on the shoulder to get his attention. "You can but, not yoongi. He said some really hurtful stuff behind Seokjins back and called me a slut." He said walking out of the school with hoseok. Hoseok didn't know that yoongi called him a slut. Well looks like he's gonna ask him why now.

As soon as they made it outside. Taehyung saw his dad waiting for him by his car. Why would he come pick him up today of all days. He drove today but, that's not the problem. He grabs hoseok by the hand and drags him back inside the school to the nearest bathroom. "Can I borrow your hoodie? My dad would kill me if he saw me wearing this." Taehyung says as he points to his exposed tummy. He's wearing a crop top.

Hoseok just nods, taking off his hoodie and giving it to taehyung. "I'll come around five okay." With that being said he leaves waving goodbye to taehyung. After he puts on hoseoks hoodie, he makes his way outside to his dads car.

His dad yelled at him this morning, so he gets in the car with out greeting him. He faces away from him and pulls his phone out, but it gets snatched away by his dad. "Give me my phone" taehyung says trying to reach for it, obviously failing. "Taehyung you always get mad at me when I yell at you. All I wanted was for you to do better in school, because it's the third time they called me talking about your grades. You can get your phone back when you get those  grades up."

With that being said, taehyung sat back down pouting. He feels his dad side hug him and chuckle. "You can only have it at this house okay. Now let's go get some pizza. Your Appa is cooking today, and we both know he can't really cook that good" chanyeol says, causing taehyung to laugh.

After thirty minutes they finally reach the house and see jungkooks car parked outside. Taehyung walks inside ignoring jungkook completely. Cause you see he was waiting by the door. He's still upset with what happed earlier in school. Of course Baekhyun being Baekhyun, he let him in the house. So now he's making his way to his favorite place. Taehyungs room.

He loves it there. How only taehyung sleeps in here. How only taehyung uses the bathroom in his room. How the bed smells just like taehyung. How his clothes smells. How his lotion smells. How his perfume smells. How his shampoo and condition smell. How his body wash smells. How his dirty clothes smell. How his loofah feels against his face. How his big boy toys taste on his tongue. He loves everything about this room. 😏.

Obviously taehyung doesn't know this. He's gonna get freaked out if he finds out. He doesn't bother knocking cause he knows taehyung won't open, but also because there might be a chance he's naked. He makes his way over to taehyungs bed, and lays down. After a while he hears the shower turn on. that's his cue. He quickly stands up and locks the door. Last time he was here taehyung took an hour in the bathroom. So he takes off his backpack and pulls out a screw driver and some wall outlets with cameras in them. He starts unscrewing taehyungs old ones, and begins placing the new ones. Once he's done he puts everything away and goes to taehyungs desk.

He grabs his water bottle and takes the cap off. He gets his dick hard and pulls it out. He begins stroking it lightly. He moans quietly and he imagines taehyungs sucking him off. After a while he starts stroking it harder and harder. Like he would pound into taehyung. Just as he's about to cum he grabs the water bottle and shoves his dick inside. He cums in the water, and then pulls his dick out.

Right when he finished putting the cap in taehyung walked out.

////////jungkooks a psycho////////

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