Chapter 2

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To say I had a bad day would be a major understatement. Since I was already late to my first class, thanks to Mouth Odour, I decided to skip which was the most reasonable thing to do.

My fist was already throbbing so I went to the bathroom to put it under some cool water so that I'll find some relief.

Unfortunately, I had the displeasure of bumping into another person who irritated me to no end.

The girl was pretty with the regular blonde hair and blue eyes. Her personality on the other hand, was like that of a sour lemon. A closer look at her showed she used so much hair gel, you could use it as cement plaster.

Her makeup was also cracking at the edges so in all honesty, it was kind of creepy.

"Fighting isn't befitting of a lady. Mama says never to punch stuff or it will mess up my pretty fingers."
She said as she caught a glimpse of my tight fist.

Her voice was making my ears bleed.
Like I give a damn about what your mama says. Do I even know you? Cue the eye roll.

I didn't even have time to comprehend what was happening because one moment, she was standing there acting all prissy and the next, she was on the floor with her soppy hair falling around her like a mop.

Doing my best to hold in my laughter, I tried to help her up. Mid air, the poor girl's heels broke.

Oh boyyyyyy.

As she tumbled, I couldn't bear it anymore. I let out a giggle and soon I was all out howling. I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe.

A few tears managed to escape from my eyes but I was in no hurry to stop them. Mop hair was livid. She's probably embarrassed though. It's not every day she's the main act in a circus.

As I tried to offer my help again after getting my laughter under control, she gave me the stink eye as she took off her broken heels and stood up herself.

"Hope you'll be okay?"
I said cheerfully. Her caked face turned red. She snorted and quickly covered her mouth and looked around to see if anyone saw her.

She opened her mouth to speak as I quickly interrupted, "Let me guess, Mama says not to snort because it's not ladylike"
I burst into more laughter as she stared at me wide eyed.

"Your laugh is very embarrassing. Don't do it in public."
She said, venom dripping from her voice.

"Keep up the frown and you'll look 95 at 35."
I happily retorted.

Mop hair stomped out angrily as I laughed even louder. "Stomping is not ladylike you know. Mama should have told you that too."
I shouted out after her.
My fist was already starting to bruise.

But whew! That was fun!


Tired, I dropped my bag at the door as I walked into the house.
"Aunt Lola I'm home!"

My aunt's head popped out of the kitchen as she welcomed me. With a sigh, I washed my hands so I could help her prepare lunch.
As I was going about my business, an awkward silence enveloped us.

"Scarlet, where were you last night? And don't think about lying to me"
My aunt asked me suspiciously. My head snapped in her direction so fast, I would have gotten whiplash. Stunned to silence, I just stared at her with my mouth open.

"I asked you a question, Scar" she said raising her eyebrow. Again with the eyebrow.

"I was home Aunt Lola. I didn't go anywhere."
I looked her in the eye as I told the truth.

She shook her head and sighed. "I never thought I'd see the day you'll lie to me straight to my face because I didn't raise you that way. "

I was beyond baffled. I hated it when I was actually telling the truth and no one believed me. "I was really here. I was even in my room when you came up to wake me. You opened my window and my wardrobe. Then you walked out. Why would I even be lying?"

I never lied to my aunt. Not after she took me in when my parents died and she raised me like her own child.

"I'm just going upstairs to freshen up."
I mumbled as I picked my stuff from the door and went up, not ready to hear what else she had to say. It's really the little things that make you want to cry.

When I got to my room, it was neatly arranged compared to how I left it when I went to school. My aunt was quite obsessive with her cleaning and I smiled at how she had arranged all my things in order.

Right there, on top of my bedside drawer comfortably sat my purse and phone. Checking my call log, I had 5 missed calls and 3 texts from my two best friends. Diane was texting me because she didn't see me in school throughout the day and she called twice.

The other message caused a hollow in my stomach.
Abel: Telracs, something important came up and I won't be around till next week. You won't be able to reach me either so this text is to make sure you don't worry too much😉.

Abel: Why aren't you answering your phone? I thought I'll be able to speak to you before I fall off the globe for a while. You're probably somewhere stuffing your face with food. It's a miracle you're still fit. I miss you though.

As if on cue, my stomach growled, reminding me that I had not eaten all day. I'm sorry baby. I don't like starving you but today was out of my control.

If you're still wondering why Abel calls me Telracs, it's pretty obvious that it's my name backwards. 

I was really looking forward to seeing him in school this week.
I tried calling him back but truly, his number wasn't going through.

I sent him a text and hurried into the bathroom to take a quick shower. Under 5 minutes, I was done rinsing and dressing.

Is it really your business if I used soap and sponge?

I rushed downstairs skipping as many steps as I could in search of food because the choir in my stomach sounded really awful and I needed it to stop.

Stepping into the kitchen, my eyes began to water. Good food always leads to happy tears.

Not really seeing the need to sit down, one spoon of my rice and chicken casserole almost had my knees buckling under me. I resisted to urge to let out a moan as I savoured the taste of the food, munching it from one side of my mouth to the other.

But like the adage says, all good things must come to an end.

The sound of my aunt's voice was like a bucket of ice water poured on my head soaking through my clothes into my shoes and leaving me cold and shivering. I suddenly didn't feel so hungry anymore.

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