𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙚

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𝙫𝙞𝙤𝙡𝙚𝙩'𝙨 𝙥𝙤𝙫

i needed to leave. i knew that if i stayed, i would have done something i would have regretted.

i got in my car and broke. tears poured out of my eyes and i started hyperventilating slightly.

i put the key in the ignition and drove away as quick as i could. i didn't really know where i was going i just knew i needed to go and do some.

about an hour or so into my drive i was more calm. i think it was just the shock of that i actually was able to say it that freaked me out.

i don't like jaden, i never liked jaden. i only liked the thought of being with someone and jaden was just there. i don't like him. i don't like him. but no matter how many times i think it, doesn't make it true.

i pulled off the freeway and drove around, looking for something, somewhere to go. i saw a tattoo and piercing shop. why not.

i parked my car and walked into the shop.

it was a small shop and for it being around 7pm, the shop was rather empty. the walls were a vibrant purple and the floors were black hardwood. it had neon signs and tattoo sketches everywhere.

i walked up to the counter, seeing a man, probably 20, sketching in a sketch book. he was blonde, but not as blonde as jaden, more like a messy blonde. he was fit, made very apparent by that tank top he was wearing. his body, from what i could elder was covered in tattoos. he was definitely attractive, but that's not what i focused on.

i cleared my throat, causing him to look up. he was definitely more attractive than i thought, but again i wasn't focused on that.

"oh sorry" he said with a smile. "how can i help you?"

"i want to do something" i said.

"and what would that be cutie?" he smirked.

"i want a piercing and a tattoo" i smiled back.

"well luckily i can help you with both" he said, pulling out some paperwork.

"what piercing would you like?" he asked.

"um just a nose piercing" i said as he handed me the first form.

"and here's the tattoo form, uh can i see your drivers license?" he asked.

i handed it to him and filled out the forms.

"so violet," he said looking down at my name on my license. "what tattoo do you want?"

i handed him the forms and pulled out my phone.

"i want this" i said, showing him the picture.

"that looks like a breakup tattoo, you okay?" he asked, as we walked around the corner to a chair

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"that looks like a breakup tattoo, you okay?" he asked, as we walked around the corner to a chair.

"yeah i'm okay, just need a reminder sometimes" i said.

"alright, piercing first?" he asked, pulling out the piercing stuff.

"i never got your name" i said.

"daniel, my name is daniel"


"okay tattoo's all done" he said, wiping the last of the ink off my skin.

"thank you, it looks amazing" i said. "and the piercing, seriously thank you"

"anytime violet" daniel smiled.

i went up to the front desk with daniel and paid for the tattoo and piercing.

"here's my card in case you have any issues" he said, handing me his card.

"can i call you for any other reason?" i asked.

daniel was funny, kind, understanding, and overall attractive. how else am i supposed to move on, right?

"of course princess" he said.

i was about to walk out when daniel called out after me.

"actually i'm free now" he said, causing me to turn around. "i mean if you want"

"i do kinda want to get some tacos" i smiled.

"tacos it is" he said, grabbing his things.

we got in my car and i started driving to taco bell.

"so, tell me about yourself" daniel said.

"well i moved here about a month ago and i live with my brother and his friends" i said "what about you?"

"born and raised here. i always drew on myself as a kid so i decided to become a tattoo artist" he said, placing his hand in my thigh.

i looked at it before looking at him.

"is this okay?" he asked.

"yes it is" i smiled. "so how old are you?"

"i'm 20, 21 in a few day" he said. "and you just turned 18"

"right, because you saw my license" i laughed.

"yep. so your brother, what's he like?" he asked.

"griffin is very protective and funny. he always makes fun of the other guys-"

"other guys?" he asked.

"his friends that i live with. josh, bryce, anthony, and jaden" i said.

"woah do you have any friends that are girls?" he asked laughing.

"yes, my best friend avani, who is dating anthony, but i met her before anthony" i said. "so what about you, you have any friends?"

"yeah i have some, but i don't see them a lot because i work" he said as we pulled up to the taco bell.


we ordered our food and ate it as we got to know each other better.

as we walked out of the taco bell, daniel slipped his hand into mine. i smiled. i was happy to be forgetting about jaden, even if it was just for a little while.

"okay so what do we do now" i asked, getting into my car.

"well we have a few options" he said turning towards me in the car. "we could go to my place, or yours. but if you aren't up for that you can be my date to my birthday party"

"are you asking me out?" i asked, looking at him.

"maybe" he smiled, leaning in.

"i'd love to" i said, pulling him into a kiss.

his lips were soft and warm, but nothing like jaden's. but i'm not thinking about jaden right now. they weren't bad, it was a great kiss, but my mind kept trying to bring the thought of jaden's lips against mine to the forefront of my mind.

"wanna come over?" i asked, pulling away from the kiss.

"sure" he said before pulling me back in, kissing him again.

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