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i'm sorry to announce there will be no sequel. i really tried to work out a storyline, but nothing stuck for me. i didn't want to write a shitty ass second book, but i can write an epilogue, so that's what i'm doing for you all


~ five years later ~

𝙫𝙞𝙤𝙡𝙚𝙩'𝙨 𝙥𝙤𝙫

the sun light shown through the hotel room window, illuminating the large room. my eyes fluttered open, squinting as my eyes adjusted to the bright light in my room.

"vi" i heard a voice whisper, turning over i see jaden leaning over my body.

he was pulled up his shorts before walking over to the chair in the corner of the room, grabbing the hoodie he arrived in.

"i have to go before the guys notice i'm gone" he said, before leaning down and kissing my forehead.

my hand immediately wrapped around his wrist, pulling him back as he tried to walk towards the door.

"no stay" i groaned, pulling him back on top of my body, the bed sheets separating us.

"you know i can't" he said, chuckling slightly only to be met by a groan.

"we couldn't even manage to stay apart one night, what does that say about us?" he asked, his hand coming up to push my hair out of my face.

"that i love you and you love me" i said lightly, wrapping my arms around his neck.

he leaned in closer to me, his lips grazing mine slightly. 5 years with this man, and i still can't go a day without him. it felt adventurous, sneaking jaden into my room, like we were living back in the sway house, and griffin knew nothing about our relationship. we have our own house now, just the three of us.

a noise broke through the room, a cry coming from the baby monitor on the bed side table.

i let out a groan, my head falling back before i pushed jaden's body off mine. i got up, only wearing jaden's large shirt as a dress as i skipped of into the next room.

there, in the portable crib, sat our 18 month old daughter. she cried and screamed, not for any other reason than she just wanted to be held.

"hi baby" i smiled, reaching down and picked up the screaming child. "it's okay love, mama's here"

i bounced her on my hip, trying to calm her down. she was a spitting image of jaden. her crystal blue eyes mixed with the dark curls that bounced against her forehead. she had the same dimples as him, though she only had one on her left cheek.

she is the perfect child, and such a happy one. the day we met her, it felt like a void was filled in our lives.

"she has your eyes" i whispered, not wanting to disturb our newborn daughter.

"she has your nose" jaden said, his large hand reaching out to caress the infant's cheek.

"well she has your hair, and a lot of it" i giggled, recalling how jaden looked down during the birth, instantly regretting that decision, but muttering something about how much hair she had.

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