𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙛𝙞𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣

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𝙫𝙞𝙤𝙡𝙚𝙩'𝙨 𝙥𝙤𝙫

my eyes squinted slightly, as the sun had burst through the open curtains of my old room. i opened my eyes before sitting up, slightly confused but coming back to reality. i was in my old room. i looked around at the familiar surroundings.

i was puzzled, for the first time in weeks my dreams hadn't been haunted with nightmares of my father. i looked down and saw jaden, peacefully sleeping next to me. jaden, that's why i slept so peacefully, i felt safe with him and i knew he wouldn't hurt me.

i realized i was naked and he probably was as well. the events of the night before clouding over the current thoughts in my mind, leaving me in a dreamy hazy.

slowly, as i remembered the end of the evening, i recalled two things.

1. jaden said he loved me.

and 2. i said i broke up with daniel.

shit, daniel.

i slowly moved out of my bed, leaving jaden behind. i pulled on all my clothes before carefully sneaking out of the room, trying not to wake jaden, closing the door behind me.

i desperately looked for my phone, before remembering that it was shattered into a million pieces.

i had no option but to ask for help. anthony and i had a 'no questions asked' policy in which we could ask the other person for a favor without the other questioning it. anthony had abused the policy numerous times, so it's only far i use it now.

i walked over to anthony's room, pressing down on the handle, seeing that the door was unlocked. i slowly pushed it opened, closing it quietly behind me.

"anthony?" i whispered, approaching his bed.

he didn't budge.

"anthony?" i whispered a little louder, which caused him to roll over, looking at me.

"violet?" he asked, still clearly tired.

"hey ant, i need a favor" i said.

"why are you at the sway house?" he asked, sitting up in his bed.

"anthony, i'm serious" i said looking around, careful so that i wasn't too loud.

"okay okay what do you need?" i asked, putting his hands up in defense.

"i need your phone-"

"what? why?" he questioned.

"-no questions asked" i finished.

he groaned, rolling over and grabbing his phone, before handing it to me. i grabbed it an immediately turned towards the door.

"hey wait" anthony said, causing me to turn around quickly.

"i was never here" i said quietly.

"the password is 1379"


i called an uber to pick me up and take me to daniel's apartment. i needed to end this once and for all as well as get my things for his apartment.

i got out of the uber, slowly making my way towards the door. i opened it to see daniel on the couch, his head in his hands. i closed the door behind myself loudly, causing him to look up at me.

"there you are" he said, getting up and rushing towards me and pulling me into a hug. "i was so worried about you"

i pushes him off me, which made him look at me weird.

"baby?" he asked.

"daniel we're done" i said firmly.

"what?" he asked, shocked.

"i just came here to get my stuff" i said, before walking back to the bedroom.

"no no baby we can work this out" daniel said, chasing after me.

i grabbed a big bag of mine from the closet and began to put my clothes in it.

"no daniel, we are done" i said, piling clothes in the bag as fast as i could. "i can't be in this relationship with you anymore"

"is this about your brother? because you can see him if you want-" he began, trying to convince me to stay.

i pauses turning to him.

"yes, it is about griffin. and anthony. and bryce. and-"

"jaden?" he asked, his demeanor shifting.

"yeah" i said quietly, putting the rest on my clothes in the bag, before zipping it up.

i moved quickly to the bathroom, grabbing my things as fast as i could, knowing that things could take a bad turn.

"it all comes back to jaden huh? see i knew there was something between you two" daniel says, his voice filled with anger.

"daniel stop-" i said, moving back to the bedroom to put my toiletries in my bag.

"no violet" he said grabbing my arm and pushing me up against the wall, trapping me with his body.

"daniel, y-you're hurting me" i said, tears filling my eyes from his tight grip.

i really couldn't resist posting another chapter hehehe. kinda short but oooooh man shit is about to get realllll

also, i watched the king of staten island and it was really good. plus pete davidson is hot as fuck.

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