𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣

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𝙫𝙞𝙤𝙡𝙚𝙩'𝙨 𝙥𝙤𝙫

my palms grew sweaty as i frantically paced around the waiting room of the hospital. everyone else is asleep but of course i can't sleep. i have way too much on my mind.

first off, I TOLD UNCONSCIOUS JADEN I LOVED HIM. which may not seem like it is a big deal, but to me it is. plus with that, i still have to tell griffin about me and jaden's relationship. it's already bad enough i've been lying about it for this long. and, jaden's parents are coming.

i haven't met them yet and i have no clue what they know. jaden has told me they were all very close, i just don't know how close. like will they already know who i am? or will i have to introduce myself?

"hi my name is violet, i'm griffin's sister and i'm in love with your son" i whispered to myself, walking back and forth across the room.

the waiting room was practically empty, as it was around 4 am. everyone else fell asleep hours ago, but i've been too worried to sleep.

i asked the nurse if i could see jaden again, but she said i couldn't anymore for whatever reason. something about visiting hours and rest. he's unconscious how much rest could he need?

i just wanted to see him, to hold his hand even if it was cold and lifeless. i knew he was still in there somewhere. he had to be.

griffin shifted in his seat before opening his eyes. he looked exhausted, despite the hours of sleep he had just had. he looked over at me as i continued to walk around.

"violet" he called catching my attention. "anything?"

i shook my head no. he sighed, getting up and walking towards me.

"have you slept?" he asked, walking me outside.

it was dark outside, but clear enough to see the stars. there was a gentle breeze in the air. everything seemed peaceful. this was the kind of night that jaden and i would go out and look at the stars together. it always felt like we were the only two people in the world, like the stars were made for us.

we would spend all night talking about everything and anything. jaden last told me he wanted to dye his hair black again. i told him about the tattoo i was going to get, and ended up getting.

we would point out as many constellations as we could find, and picked out the brightest star to be ours. i looked up at the sky, instantly finding the brightest star and felt some sort of relief.

i wish i could go back to those nights.

"i can't" i muttered, sitting in a bench next to griffin.

"he's gonna be okay" griffin said, moving his arm around my shoulder, pulling me close to him.

"i love him" i said, tears beginning to form in my eyes.

griffin's body froze. he became stiff, his arm falling off my shoulder.

"you do?" he asked.

"i know i should have told you but i didn't know how you would react. i didn't mean for it to get this far it just, happened" i said looking up at griffin.

to my surprise, he didn't look mad like i thought. he looked almost glad or relieved.

"so, what- what do you mean? how long has this thing been happening?" he asked.

"when i moved here, jaden and i started talking and we just kinda... hooked up? but i didn't think that i would like, develop feelings for him, but i did. and they you found the pregnancy test and-" i spat out before being interrupted.

"so the you thought you were pregnant? with jaden's baby?" he asked, sounding a little mad. "and you didn't tell me?"

"i thought i was, but i wasn't and when you asked i panicked. i didn't know what to say and you were already yelling at him and- i don't know i just didn't want you to be mad at him" i said.

griffin looked ahead of himself, looking off into the parking lot. he took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

"okay, what else" he said, keeping his eyes closed.

"then i cut it off and i met daniel, but we still kept hooking up even though we "broke it off"but then i was gonna move out and we got in a fight and ended things" i sighed, looking off in the same direction as griffin.

"then daniel made you cut everyone off and he started hurting you" griffin said, causing me to look at him.

"how do you-" i started.

"jaden told me" he said.

"what?" i asked.

"jaden was worried about you and he came and told me that he thought daniel was hurting you. he went looking for you the next morning after you disappeared after he told me everything" griffin said, looking over at me.

"are you- mad?" i asked, a tear falling out of my eyes.

"i was at first, but then jaden left the house to get you and-"

"so he was coming to get me" i said, crying harder now.

i knew this was my fault. if only i told him. i would be in his arms right now, asleep and peaceful. but now jaden could die. and it's all my fault.

my head fell into my hands as i began to sob. my world feel is like it's collapsing again, everything is crumbling around me. my chest was getting tight and i began to choke on air.

"hey hey violet" griffin says, grabbing me and pulling me to his chest.

"i'm sorry" i cried into griffins shirt.

"it's okay" he said, rubbing my back. "before he left, jaden told me he loved you"

"he said what?" i said, looking back up at griffin.

as griffin opened his mouth to speak, anthony burst threw the hospital doors.

"guys!" he yelled at us. "it's jaden, he's awake!"


okayyy so basically i am still super super busy with cheer and one direction is coming back so i'm going to (try) and finish this book before 1d day (july 23rd)

with that said, that means the book is almost over. sad. but i also am really excited to finish it and maybe do something else..? probably not lol.

ALSO bc i feel bad about leaving for like a week, i'm gonna post the next chapter now bc i wrote two last night

love yall😘

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