Six | Screams

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song recommendations
shameless, by the weeknd

"Hah! How cute! How lovely!" Jungkook laughs out loud sadistically, trailing his blade up a blindfolded woman's arm.

"W-What are you doing!? Please let me go! I won't tell anyone, I promise!" The woman cries out, with her lips trembling.

"Hmm..not happing darling. You tried to steal MY Taehyungie from me." Jungkook chuckles out, getting up from the ground from his kneeling position.

"I'll be right back, I'm gonna go get" The younger coos out biting his lips, while heading to the warehouse door.

But how did it all happen?

"Taehyung! Taetae!!" Hana says loudly while running towards Taehyung, out of breath.

"Huh..? What's wrong Hana.?" Taehyung questions, looking down at the fragile woman.

"I-I want you to take this.." Hana whispers lowly while handing Taehyung a pink envelope with a red heart on it.

The woman bowed at Taehyung and mumbled, then power walking away in embarrassment.

But all this time.

Jungkook was watching, from a distance.

Like he'd always done.

Suddenly, Jungkook comes out from behind Taehyung, hugging him from behind.

"Hey baby." The younger whispers into the older's ear, sending shivers up Taehyung's body.

"Kookie.? Oh god..- We shouldn't be doing this at school.." Taehyung whimpers while gripping on tightly to the envelope.

"Oh calm down, your classes are over for today, plus we're outside. Remember, I know your schedule baby." Jungkook says giggling gently.

"Don't you have one more class to get to though?" The older questions while craning his head back slightly.

"Yeah, but I'm skipping that fuckery. I cant deal with my bitchass professor, and also my bitchass classmates. They all smell like molded bread." Jungkook says in a sarcastic but serious tone while looking at the envelope that Taehyung is holding.

"Watcha got there?" The younger asks, tilting his head and grabbing the envelope out of Taehyung's hand.

The older stutters a little bit, "I-I'm not sure..I didn't really want to open it.."

Jungkook nods, letting go of Taehyung with his other hand and ripping the envelope open.

The younger takes out the neatly folded paper from inside the envelope and opens it up, reading over what it says.

Dear Taehyung,

I didn't have enough courage to tell you this in person, so I'm going to tell you over a note. Honestly, I'm currently embarrassing myself from writing this, but I have something really important that I need to get off my chest. I know we haven't really talked too much, and we've only had little interaction like the group project together. But, I've been admiring you from a distance. I know it might sound a little weird but hear me out, I love everything you do. From how you laugh, to how you're always so respectful towards everyone and anyone. Thats why I am writing this note, to express the love that my heart has for you. It's fine if you don't like me back..I mean who would anyway? But Taehyung, I'm just going to ask this once..Will you be my boyfriend?

Love, Hana.

Jungkook just stood there for a few seconds, processing what he just read.

The younger crumbles up the paper and envelope ripping it to pieces and throwing it on the ground like it was useless trash, which it was, for him.

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