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Will this book have a sequel? -No.

Why didn't you give this book a happy ending? -This book was never intended to be a love story, this book was written for the simple fact that shit like this happens in the real world. I want people to realize that. You should not romanticize this book.

Why was Taehyung suicidal? -This is explained in the first few chapters, Taehyung's had lost his entire family in a fire while having a party with them. He had no one, except a few friends. That is why.

How did it feel writing this book? -Over the time, I started to get mentally drained from it I will be honest. There was a point where I felt like discontinuing it; but I decided not too.

How does it feel to finish the book (When you do) -It really felt great! It feels like a got a huge weight off of my shoulders.

Have you ever gotten hate for this book? -Yes. There was a point where I would get some DM's explaining how disgusting this book was, I don't say anything to them because there is a disclaimer that explains what this book contains.

Did anything in this book feel wrong or trigger you? -No. Nothing in this book triggered me because I know a lot about psychology and how people can feel.

Do you think your book was a little extreme? -That's up to the audience. There is a disclaimer in the beginning.

Will you ever rewrite this book? -Most likely, it depends. I do and I don't. I do because the start of this book I wasn't the best writer, but I don't because this is my first book and I want to see my progress throughout the years when I start to write more books and finish them.

You've mentioned many times that this is your first book, your writing is really good for your first book! How'd you get into writing? -Thank you! And I got into writing actually because of my mother when I was about 8 years old. I would write poems.

About how long did it take you to complete this book? -I started it in May, so a little over 5 months.

Do your parents know about this book? If they do what do they think about it? -They actually do know about it. They think that whatever makes me happy, they will support me.

Is there anything you want to say to your readers? -Yes actually! Silent reader or not, thank you to everyone who read my book, commented and voted! I appreciate you all!

If you have anymore questions to ask me, feel free to DM me or post them on my conversation board. Thank you all for reading to the end of the book! I love you!


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