Thirteen | Truth?

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"Oh Taehyungie..what did I do wrong?" Jungkook whispers to himself while slowly crushing his phone in anger mixed with sadness. "Stupid.."

There was a noise of something slamming, and to Jungkook's surprise it was his older brother Seokjin. Also known as the one that always cleans up everything in the warehouse, to blood and limbs, skin and organs. Seokjin was slightly struggling while Jungkook watched as his older brother carried something of a quite big size out of his trunk.

"Kook-Ah! Would you mind helping me?" Seokjin offers while subconsciously pointing to whatever he was struggling to take out of his trunk.

"Yeah..sure. Whatever." Jungkook scoffs at the older while he slightly hunches over in annoyance towards his brother.

Jungkook arrived at the rather large trunk, his eyes trailing over to what Seokjin was trying to remove.

"A body bag? Oh. What happened? Who pissed you off this time?" Jungkook questioned while raising his left eyebrow in confusion. Usually Seokjin wasn't one to go out of his way and murder someone, but just to kidnap people.

"I got bored. But thats not the only surprise, little bro." Seokjin chuckles while receives the help he needs by his younger brother, the pair removing the body bag from the trunk and carefully placing it on the ground.

"Okay, what's the so called surprise that you wanted me to see Jin hyung?"

"Come come come!" Seokjin happily jumps around in anticipation to show Jungkook his little "surprise". Jungkook followed behind Seokjin as the older brother opened his back car door.

Jungkook watched with a shocked face as he took in the man's features that was lying down on the car seat in the back, duct tape on his mouth, a very tight rope around his hands and feet, and a slightly bloodied face from what looks like the cause of it was bloody handprints. Which was of course no doubt, Seokjin.

"What's the reasoning Jin hyung?

"Hm..I was a bit sloppy with the other person and this fucker saw. He tried to call the police so now I would like you to teach him a little lesson, cause you're the best at traumatizing everyone and anyone Jungkookie." Seokjin let out a throaty chuckle as he rubbed his finger under Jungkook's chin.

"Aish hyung, I just got done with someone. Maybe tomorrow. Im tired. Just tie him up on the extra poll where Hana was and let me take care of the rest, also please kindly lay your little dead person that you brought on the table. I'll chop them up in no time."

"Awe, little bro is learning. Of course. He was a bitch anyways,"


"Can you tell me more please Jimin?" Taehyung pleads as he listens very carefully when his best friend gives him insight on the boy Taehyung slowly started to develop feelings for.

"Jungkook is a terrible person. Manipulative, crazy, obsessive, possessive, and has a really questionable sense of humor.." Jimin goes onto explain until Taehyung cuts him off with another question.

"What do you mean a questionable sense of humor? Everyone has they're own things that they laugh at right?"

"No Taehyung you don't understand. Jungkook jokes about, well..people dying, getting killed or tortured, murder, gore, blood and so many other horrifying things. That sometimes he describes it like he's actually done something horrible to someone in that he knows the pain and agony that is on the person's face when they go through that." Jimin explains with a slight disgusted but terrified face, it's a sensitive topic to touch on, and a fucked up one.

"I-I never noticed it. I guess I was too deep into my feelings to realize anything, but maybe it's just a misunderstanding.?" Taehyung tries to lighten up the conversation by being open-minded.

"It could be, but I doubt it. Just be careful around him please know I care for you." Jimin furrows his eyebrows in sorrow upon seeing his friend's depressed facial expression.

Taehyung nods and goes onto pull Jimin into a warm hug to distract himself from the conversation they were just on. And instead to ask him something else.

Taehyung pulls back from the hug, keeping his hand placed on the older's calve. "Hey Jimin, do you think I can stay over your place for tonight? I'll sleep on the couch. I'm just..scared to go back to my apartment."

"Of course Tae! You don't even have to ask. Also Yoongi is starting to move all his stuff in, so don't mind all the bags of clothes. Thats all his. How's it been with him as your roommate?" Jimin questions, softly pointing to all the bags that were around the front door.

"It's been good. Usually I don't see him much anymore because he's always with you, but I don't mind! All we really do together is order food and watch stupid shows together." Taehyung answers back, giving Jimin a toothy grin.

The only reason Taehyung was roommates with Yoongi was because they were living together before Jimin got with Yoongi, and Taehyung practically set the two up together since they are his best friends.

"Thats good! Anyways, it's getting pretty late. I'm gonna go to sleep, the blanket and pillow are right here as always Tae." Jimin claims as he grabbed the pillow and blanket from behind himself and setting it between him and Taehyung.

"Thanks Jiminie. Goodnight." Taehyung slowly blinks as he focuses his caramel eyes on the smaller boy getting up to go to his bedroom.

"Goodnight!" Jimin gives a little head bow, as he goes into a skipping position to reach his comfortable room.

Yeah, it'll be a "good" night for Taehyung for sure. With reoccurring nightmares added to the mix. How great.

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