Nineteen | Midnight

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"I know why you want me alive, Jungkook."

Was this a sin? Was this all a sin? The boy I had laid with in bed willingly, but the same boy who had murdered my closest friends without a trace.

Jungkook had just smirked at me, walking closer as he looked at me with lustful but deadly eyes; it looked like he was trying to tell me something..but I could not make out what.


I could hear the venom in Jungkook's voice, the rasp was also so heavy that it scared me. I didn't feel powerful or in control of the situation anymore. I felt like an ant ready to get squashed under a boot.

I tried to move further away, but I couldn't. All I could feel behind me was the window sill where my hands were trembling in fear on. "W-what..?" my voice cracked with fear, when I really tried to sound tough. But all that came out was broken words with a whimper.

"You're not getting out of here, my love. And..the best part."

The best part? What was he even talking about?

"What d-do you mean the best part?", fuck. I can't stop stuttering.

Jungkook stood tall in front of me while reaching in the back of his pocket to pull out what I guess was his phone, but I didn't know why. "I just want to show you something, and why it's harmless to try and get out of here."

My legs started to shake, and my face was starting to go pale. Was this a game to him?

And he did exactly what I thought he was doing, he pulled out his phone and put in his passcode. Opening up an app and..

My entire body froze.

He put the cellphone right in front of my face and started to scroll through pictures in his photo album, of..people.

Dead people.

Just, blood everywhere.

With..their..organs hanging out..

I gulped when I sensed he was going to say something.

"You know.." Jungkook said with a sly smirk on his face, shutting off his phone and placing his finger underneath my chin.

"Those were all the people that live in this apartment building." He continued on, lifting my head up so I can look him right in his emotionless dark eyes. The eyes I hated to fucking see, the eyes I wish I could just fucking rip out of their sockets, and hear the owner of them scream in pain as I did.

And..I spat in his face.

"Fuck you."

Jungkook seemed completely unbothered by my action and words, he just wiped his face with his sleeve and gave a full toothy wide smile towards me.

"Why did you do it?" I said boldly, trying to sound confident and careless.

"Oh my Taehyungie..It's so self explanatory. It's so you had no one to run off too."

Of course, this is the shit he always does. I don't want to admit it, but he is smart. And I'm just traumatized. Is this what I owe him since he has saved my life multiple times? Or am I just his little toy that only exists for his own enjoyment?

I will never understand, how someone can be so fucked up.

How someone can be so heartless, cold, selfish and stubborn just because they "love" someone.

Yeah, maybe I should have ran out the classroom when I had the chance.

Yeah, maybe I should have never gave him my number.

Yeah..I really should have fucking listened to Jimin.

But all of this,

..will be the cause of my death.

"Make it quick."

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