To New York

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This part is all about moving so if you wanna skip it. It won't really matter

"Come on, Jadey..New York isn't that bad." Dad joked.

"Dad I'm not in the mood!! How am I gonna spend my birthday alone?! It's like this Saturday!!"I yelled as I hopped in the backseat.

"It's gonna be alright, she'll get used to it.." mom said and patted my dad's shoulder as he drove.

"I'm so excited!!!" Hermione yelled.

"Shut up before I fucking smack your head with the fire extinguisher!" I yelled. Yes, we do have a fire extinguisher in our car. Don't ask why.

"What about my car, Dad??!" I crossed my arm.

"I got it, don't worry about it, it's gonna be in New York within 2 days. Stop complaining!" He kinda got mad.

I can't believe I'm leaving LA!!. It's been the best years of my life in it. And now I'm moving??. In my senior year?! While my birthday is this Saturday?!

Guess I'll spend it alone. I literally know nobody there. Like nobody!. And I guess I'm gonna face a LOT of homophobics. Damn it.

After 30 minutes we arrived at the airport. "I'm gonna meet you on the plane, I need to spend some time with myself.." I said as I took my suit case and my passport and left to some lounge only for first class passengers and just thought about everything.

While just staring at the wall, I heard someone say "excuse me?..". I looked at them and it's a girl that smiled shyly.

"Umm..i saw you were sad..and I thought maybe you wanna talk about it..." she rubbed the back of her neck.

I stayed silent. "I'm chloe..". I looked at her and smiled a little. "Jade..".

"I'm not sad. I'm just forced to move to New York with my family..and I don't want to..I like it here." I sighed.

"Damn, me too..I'm going there too.." she chuckled

"Really?..What a coincidence.." I smiled. "are you going to college?.." she asked.

"No actually, I'm still in my senior year of high school.."

"Gurl!, same!! I hope we're going to the same school, too!" She laughed.

"I'm going to Richards, what about you?." I said.

"Shut up! I'm going there, too! I'll see you there I guess" she laughed as we were called to get on the plane. My phone buzzed and it was a text from mom.

Mom: get your ass on the plane we're gonna take off!!

Me: hope I don't make it there..

Mom: we're gonna have to talk about that attitude baby. But now, get your ass on the plane!.

Me: fine I'm coming!

We got on the plane and me and Chloe hugged then she went to her seat and I went to mine next to Hermione.

"Who's that?" She smirked.

"A friend.." I said not looking at her.

"A girl-friend?.." she snickered.

"No, Mione! Stop!" I sighed and looked at the screen in front of me.

Chloe was few seats away. She threw me a paper. I opened it and it was her Snapchat.

Add me :).

I nodded and took out my phone and added her. Mom and dad were so far away from us for some reason. Mom came to us. "Did that brat get her ass on her- oh, here you are!, have a nice flight..enjoy!" She kissed my cheek and went to her seat.

I crossed my arms and a flight attendant was staring at me. I looked at her and smiled. I'm having fun making everyone crush over me. Not Chloe of course..

The flight attendant came to me and fastened my seat belt. "Gotta keep you safe.." she smirked then patted my thigh and my white ass face was now all red.

"Dammit" I whispered as I bit my nail. "Look who's blushing!!" Hermione laughed.

"Stop it You're embarrassing me!!" I slapped her head playfully And she giggled.

The plane started moving and the flight attendant was just staring at me while she was sitting I couldn't help but smile. She's kinda hot to be honest.

The lights were switched off as everybody slept except me. I was watching a movie and the flight attendant came to me and covered me with a blanket. "It's cold in here..and also you might need this.." she said as she placed a pillow behind my head and kissed my forehead slightly. Freak!.

I blushed again and she said "the name's Nicole, just press the little button and I'll be happy to come get you whatever you want, alright?.." she said and I nodded as she left.

Dammit what does she want?. It's been 2 hours now and they served lunch. Nicole smiled as she arrived to my seat and asked. "Chicken or beef?". Hermione is now smirking and chuckling.

"Beef please" I smiled at her and she nodded and served me some beef. "Would you like some wine?.." she asked.

"Umm..I'm 17.." I said and she giggled. "You look older tho, Anyways here's an apple juice for you beautiful..".

"You ruined the freaking moment!" Hermione slapped her forehead.

"Shut up!, what did I say?..!" I said and Chloe chuckled at us.

Mom came to check on us and kissed my forehead. "I know you really like it there, but it's your dad's work..we have to move with him..". I nodded and continued eating.

"Mom, you won't believe this!, a flight attendant is hitting on Jade!" Hermione laughed.

I chocked on the beef and started coughing uncontrollably. Nicole of course noticed and brought me some water. I drank some and she placed her big hands on my shoulder. "Are you okay?.." she seemed worried. "Yeah I'm fine..thank you.." I looked at Hermione and punched her. "Shut the hell up!".

Mom sighed and thanked Nicole then went back to her seat. "Damn it, Jade!" Hermione said.

I stood up and went to the bathroom as I washed my face and freshened myself a bit. I left the bathroom and went back to my seat and saw Jane awake.
4 and a half hours later. Landing

We're finally landing and Hermione held my hand so hard. "What's wrong?"

"I'm scared..and it's not even funny.." she almost cried.

"Don't's ok.." I sighed and held her close to me.

We got off the plane and Nicole hugged me. "I might never see you again.." she smiled. "I mean, I could have your number or Ig, right?.." I blushed. She nodded and typed her number one my phone. I blew a kiss in the air and left as she waved for me.

Mom came to me. "When can we meet your sweetheart?" She joked. "Oh stop it mom.." i blushed.

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