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The two Jades as guys 💀💀. ^^^
"you have?" Lana frowned. we both nodded and she smiled. "well, you two are cute, two dumbasses together, perfect match..".

I looked at chloe who was still burying her face in Lana's neck. we laughed at Lana's comment then i whispered in Lena's ear. "do we go?".

she nodded taking my hand and saying bye to Lana. we went to our backyard and sat by the pool. "Aren't you mad she didn't tell you?. I mean you're her best friend" Lena asked as she looked around the backyard.

"No. I didn't tell her about you, so it's fair.."

"fair point.." she giggled.

Jordan and Hermione came out, too and started walking around the backyard. I hate this Jordan so much, I don't know why..

I clenched my jaw at them as Lena waved her hand in front of me. "Calm down, she didn't do anything to you..".

"she will, believe me.." I crossed my arms. she sighed and took my hand taking me upstairs. "you need to calm down. As long as she didn't hurt your sister it's okay..".

I nodded and sat on her lap. "forget about this bitch..I like spending time with you, have I ever told you?" I traced her upper chest.

she smirked and kissed my temple. "this is pretty much the 7th time you tell me this, me too..". we spent the day watching Netflix as i laid in her arms. I've never relaxed  in someone's arms. I've dated a million times already, but maybe it's because I rush into getting in relationships. now, when I was single for almost a year, I found her..I don't know how it's related but yeah.

she's a little bit older, but it's no big deal for me. I fell in love with her soul before I loved her for her looks or even knew how old she was. I stood up and headed to the door and locked it. she groaned at the loss of warmth but i immediately went back into her arms.

"why'd you lock it?" she asked. I laid on top of her and covered the both of us. "They come in without knocking every time, and I wanna be a lil intimate with you..". I smirked.

"Is that so?" She stroked my short hair. I nodded and buried my face in her warm neck.

She wrapped her arms around my waist pulling me closer if possible. We both took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly.

She then started rubbing circles on my back which felt so good as sleep took over.

I woke up feeling very, very warm. Lena's snores are the cutest thing anyone will ever hear.

I started kissing her jawline then her neck. Sucking a little bit.

"Jade, are you serious??" She pushed my face away from hers still closing her eyes.

"You looked cute, I couldn't resist.." I giggled making her smile.

I sat up, but was pulled back in bed. "Don't go.." she mumbled.

"I need to pee.." I whispered. She sighed then let go of me turning to her side.

I went to the bathroom then came back within minutes. I laid there facing her back as I placed a hand around her waist but she pushed my hand away.

"What's wrong?" I kissed her jawline.

"You left me.." she pouted.

"I needed to pee, Lee.." I chuckled.

She remained silent but then got on top of me and covered my face with kisses.

The door was knocked and I huffed. "It's okay, I'll get it.." she stood up and went to the door.

She opened it and it was Hermione, how did I not think of that?!!.

"Yes?" Lena sighed.

I stood up and went to them. "Yes mione?"

"Mom told me to tell you to answer her calls, she called you a gremlin.." she snickered.

I rolled my eyes and called mom. "Hey?"

"Hey Gremlin, bit rude to ignore your mother's calls innit?"

"Mom, I wasn't ignoring your calls, and don't start talking in your british accent, it always gets awkward.." I sighed.

"I can talk in Irish if I'd like!"

"no, mom, please. Lena's enough.." I giggled as Lena scrunched her nose. "Your lady's bloody irish????" she cheered.

"yeah, i guess.." I chuckled. "I'm gonna have to talk with her, I just called to make sure you haven't left home, I'm literally outside trying to leave my car, paparazzis are all around the house. If lena wants to leave she's gonna have to go through the back door"

"alright mom. I'm coming to get you"

"no you'r-" i hung up on her. I wanted to do this a long time ago. I went to Mom's room, entered the passcode, then got in. I opened the door of dad's walk-in closet and took out the military costume he had. I quickly changed into it and took an empty gun and put in my pocket. I figured sunglasses will be a great disguise.

I left the room as Lena gasped looking me up and down. "how do i look?" I smirked. "I'm having too many fantasies right now.." she almost drooled.

i winked at her and ran downstairs to mom's car. "everyone, move!!" I yelled at them. they kept flashing at mom and i pushed them all away. "move!!!" i yelled again. i took out the gun and pointed at them.

they all ran away still flashing at mom. they didn't recognize me, thank god!. i looked around making sure nobody is left as i opened the door for mom. she came out all furious and angry. we got in the house as Lena was texting and Hermione and Jane were watching TV.

"what in the name of Jesus are you wearing??" she took her glasses off. "I like it.." Lena hugged me from behind.

"of course you do, irish queen" she giggled as they started talking in Lena's weird Irish accent. I just tried to understand a word or two. they talk really fast I can't understand anything!!.

They both said goodbye and Lena had to leave. "I'll pick you up tomorrow, we're gonna go shopping.." she pecked my lips and left.

I went back upstairs and took off this military thing and put it back in dad's closet.

"Thank you, Gremlin.." Mom hugged me tightly. "No problem.." I smiled.

"Did you think of joining the army?" She joked.

"No, mom. I'm still taking over you and Dad's companies" I smirked.

She shook her head as we cuddled in her bed and watched a movie.

She's literally the best mom ever. Despite calling me weird names, I love her so much!.

Of course you do, it's your mother...

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