Don't fire him!

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Jade's POV

I woke up in my own bed which was kinda upsetting. I took a shower and dressed then went downstairs. "Hey mom" I said rubbing my eyes.

"Hi! I'm so glad you're safe! Your car is in the garage you can take mine I'm not going to work today" She hugged me and I nodded as she threw me the keys.

We ate breakfast then I went to mom's  car and waited for my sisters. "I can't believe you took my car and left!!" I heard Lena yell. I drove closer and honked. She looked at me. "Need a ride?" I giggled.

"Apparently!" She smiled and came to me. "Good morning, hottie!" She whispered and my sisters came. "Hermione get in the back, Miss Davis is coming with us.." I said still looking at Lena. "I owe you one" she smirked and got in.

We drove to school and I felt her hand on my thigh few times. I let her have her way, tho.

"Your sister left you?" I laughed.

"Can you believe that? She took my car and went to work!! Just like that!" She sighed.

We arrived to school and she ran to her office and took my hand. She turned on her mic and yelled.

"Miss Davis to the principal office now!!"

She then cupped my face . "I couldn't sleep last night. You're seriously so stunning." She said in my ear as I wrapped my arms around her neck.

The door was knocked and she backed off. "Come in!" She yelled and Lana came in.

"Come here you asshole!!" Lena yelled as Leah came in and laughed silently. She placed some papers on her desk and Lana sighed.

"How many times do I have to tell you this, Lena?" Lana crossed her arms.

I chuckled and hugged Lana from the back. "She's so mad!" I whispered in her ear.

Lana giggled and tried to to explain to Lena why she took her car.
"You wouldn't wake up!, so I just took the keys and left!"

"I have insomnia, Lana!! You shouldn't have just left me like that!" Lena came closer to us.

"Luckily, Jade took me here!" She pulled me away from Lana and hugged me.

"Thank you.." she rubbed my back.
"You're welcome!" I said and placed a kiss behind her ear.

"Lana just get out of here!" Lena sighed and Lana left.

"Be nice Lena.." I whispered.

"You sound like your mom, but much hotter" she snickered and looked at me.

"Seriously, it's too much.." I pouted.

She nodded and frowned. "If you love me apologize to her today!."

"Shh..apologize!, please"

"Fine.." she gave in. "I'll see you at lunch"

I nodded and went to class. "Come on guys, who would solve this?" the teacher pointed at the board. I knew the answer but I wasn't interested.

3 people raised their hands. My arms were crossed as I stared at the board. "Okay...What about you, Baker?" He said and I rolled my eyes. I'm gonna be respectful today.

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