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Jade's POV
They left. Is she Lena?. I might ask her later. I threw a paper with my number written on it in her purse. Hope she notices it..

I laid back in bed after what seemed like an hour of thinking. What did she think when she saw me shirtless?...I mean..I was happy she saw me like that. Cause she was clearly amused but..did she like it?..

I was woken up by Hermione in the middle of the night. "What do you want?!!!" I yelled. She covered my mouth with her hand. "Shut the fuck up!! I need you to go somewhere with me.." she whispered.

She was wearing a lot of makeup with a sweatshirt of mine and shorts. "What?! In the middle of the night?! Are you serious?!" I whispered not able to open my eyes.

"Please..Jade..I'll do whatever you want.." she pleaded.

"Where tho?!" I sat up.

"I'll tell you later let's go!!" She pulled my hand.

"Fine..let me change first." I stood up and changed my shirt. "Come on before mom wakes up!!".

I washed my face quickly and grabbed my phone, wallet and keys then hurried downstairs. I leaned against the car until she comes and saw Miss Davis, the history teacher, standing in the balcony and smiled when she saw me.

"What are you doing this late outside?" She chuckled.

"No idea, my sister woke me up telling me to go somewhere.."

"Come on!!" She ran to the passenger door and I waved at Miss Davis then started the engine.

"We're getting in trouble, but it's so worth it!!" She giggled and fastened her seatbelt.

"Where are we going?!" I said looking at her.

"The park after the light, you know it, right?" She said looking at her phone.

"Yeah I guess, why??"

"I'll tell you later, just get going!"

I sighed and drove to the park. As soon as I stopped Hermione hurried out of the car and yelled. "Jordan?!" She looked around. I got out the car. "What are you doing??" I whispered.

She looked behind her and saw another girl and ran to her as the girl flew her in the air. Seriously Mione?!.

She kissed the girl Passionately. "I'm so happy I finally met you!!" The girl cupped her face.

"Can you explain?" I chuckled. The girl looked at me. "Are..are you Jade?" She asked. I nodded. "Jade..this is Jordan..I met her online last year..that's why I was excited to move here.." she smiled as she buried her face in the girl's neck.

I smiled. "I'm so happy you found someone..". Hermione hugged me so hard. "Thank you for taking me here.." she teared up and went back to Jordan and hugged her again. "How old are you?" I look Jordan up and down jokingly.

"I'm 18..too old ?" She giggled.

"Nah, you're fine.." I said and hugged her.



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