Calm down

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She's reading a book. I couldn't get my eyes off of her. With every word she reads her eyes get heavier and heavier until she surrendered and closed her eyes and leaned back. I wish I could come and put her to bed.

Her parents and siblings aren't gonna come in her room until tomorrow. I won't let her sleep in the balcony..

I knocked on their door. Her little sister opened the door. "Oh, hey miss Davis..".

"Hello..where is your mom?"  I smiled at her.

"She's in her I call her?"

"No actually..I'm going to Jade's room..just..don't tell her I came..okay?"

"Of course.."

I ran upstairs and looked for the balcony's door. I found it and saw her sleeping right in front of me. I was shaking she's too cute..

I held her carefully to her bed and covered her. I kissed her forehead and smiled as I ran my fingers through her hair for few minutes then decided to let her sleep in peace.

I kissed her forehead once again and left. I went downstairs and found Hermione. "Umm..Can you tell Jade to come to my office tomorrow? I was gonna tell her but she was sleeping.." I smiled.

She nodded and smiled. I went back home and slept. Where's Lana tho?.

Lana splashed water at me to wake me up to work. "What is wrong with you?!!" I yelled. "Get the fuck up!, we have work!" She yelled back and left the room. Grumpy ass!.

I took a shower then wore my suit and did my makeup for work. I went downstairs and Lana was looking me up and down.

"You're wearing that?, for work?"

"Lana, I wear the same thing for work everyday, a suit.."

She rolled her eyes and continued making breakfast. "And the way you woke me up, was so rude Lana..".

"Oh shut up..I don't wanna deal with your bullshit..just sit and eat your goddamn eggs."

"Oh my goodness, Lana are you cramping or something??" I came close to her.

"Yes.." she was about to cry. I hugged her and stroked her hair. "It's okay..5 or 6 days and it'll be gone.." I chuckled.

"I hate it!" She yelled.


We arrived to work and I sat in my office waiting for her. I was doing something on the computer until I heard a knock on the door. My secretary came in and said. "Jade Baker wants to see you..".

"You never ask, Leah.." I chuckled.

"I know, but she doesn't seem sane.." she shrugged. What the hell is she talking about?!.

"Let her in.." I stood up. Jade came in and her face was so pale. "Come here.." I opened my arms for her and she ran to me. I wrapped my arms around her as she sobbed on my shoulder. "Hmm..I could really use a hug right now .." she whispered.  "It's okay..there's like 15 minutes until can stay here.." I said hugging her even harder.

"She hates me.." she sobbed. "Shh..don't say's okay..your mom will get over it sooner or later. Don't worry..".

We were still hugging and Leah came in. "Miss Davis..." her jaw dropped.

"Place the files on the desk.." I said sternly as she did so and left.

I gave Jade some tissues and sat down. "Do you wanna go home and rest, you look sick.." I suggested.

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