Death Stare

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Just a reminder: I want Katie to run me over with a truck!. Have a nice day y'all lmao.

Lana's POV
I went to the balcony hoping to see that stunning human being and ask for her number. I was also gonna ask her if she liked the gift..I was worried when her mom pulled her in. I saw her sleeping on a chair with a book over her face.

I couldn't do anything tho. Do I leave her like that?. I don't know.
"Dang it.." i whispered to myself as I sat on the couch.

Lena came in the house with grocery bags. I helped her organize them into place and sat back down. "What's on your mind?" She said coming to me.

"Oh, nothing much..I'm just kinda bored.." I lied.

She nodded and texted someone and went upstairs. I followed her and saw her sitting in the balcony and staring at the Bakers' house. I hope it's not what I'm thinking about, because she'll never get her as long as I'm alive..

We saw her mom removing the book off her face and holding her to bed.

She smiled at her phone and gasped when she saw me. "What the hell?, you scared me!".

I chuckled and sat next to her. We can clearly see the sleeping Jade from her open balcony.

After a while, her sister, Hermione, who i happen to be her teacher, too, was waking her up. "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME AND LET ME SLEEP!!!" Jade yelled.

Hermione shrugged and left the room. Her mom then came in and started waking her up, too..Let her sleep in peace..

She sat up and started listening to what her mom wanted. I couldn't hear them very well but she nodded and stood up.

I saw her taking her shirt off revealing those goddamn abs. She changed then was about to close the balcony before she saw us. " staring is rude, you two..also!, I loved the gifts, thank you.." she yelled and winked at Lena. We both chuckled and she closed it then went downstairs.

She was gonna get in her car before Hermione came and begged To come with her.

"Fine get in!" She said. She got in her amazing car and drove away. What do I do? Do I tell her I love her pretty ass? Or what?!!.

She came back after a while with a lot of bags of groceries and other stuff. "Jane come help us!" She yelled.

They got all the bags in the house and she locked her car. And leaned against it. Her mom came out and told her to wait until the girl comes, What girl?..

She was still leaning against the car until a car stopped and it was an unfamiliar girl. Hermione came out and ran to her as they kissed. Jade hugged the girl then they all got inside and I decided to bring the papers I should've graded a while ago and started grading them.

I saw her paper between them. I took it out immediately and started grading it. Her neat handwriting, the way she writes her name, how she never forgets the date...damn it lord..

It took everything in me to not go knock on their door and fuck the shit out of Jade. And I also wondered if she saw the number..

Jade's POV
Jordan came today, she ate dinner with us and mom loved her a lot. We got to know her and Hermione couldn't keep a straight face at all.

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