Definition Of Moron

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Lena's POV 

I did not have a single thought she was coming. I've been so lonely for the past month and now she's here, in my arms, resting and letting go of all the thoughts that were on her mind. when i heard her voice, i couldn't believe it, i thought i was hallucinating or something.

I eventually fell asleep after all this thinking, I should stop thinking now she's here. I woke up to soft singing in the kitchen. I washed my face and tied my hair in a bun as i went to the kitchen and saw her sitting on the counter playing with her phone. I slowly walked to her as she jumped off the counter and headed to me. "what are you doing here?" I chuckled and took her to the bedroom. "I had singing energy but i didn't wanna wake you up so i went to the kitchen" she got under the sheets as i did so.

i giggled and pulled her into me. "hungry baby?" I asked. she hid her face in my neck. "kinda..".

"what's wrong?" I smiled. "I don't know, when you said baby something exploded in me" she looked up at me and leaned as i grabbed her face and kissed her. "I'm gonna order some food" i took my phone and called the restaurant.

"and some fries!!" she whispered as i was ordering. I chuckled and ordered some fries,too. "I'm gonna take a shower. tell me when the food arrives." I kissed her one more time and got in the shower. I didn't realize that i took over an hour until she knocked on the door aggressively. "are you dead??" she yelled.

"oh my goodness" i opened the door and saw her standing there. "what is wrong with you?" i giggled. "did you pass out in there or something?" She seemed worried.

"no silly, i was having the time of my life until you interrupted me" I scoffed and opened my closet.

"well, sorry i guess" she wrapped her arms around my waist. "the food came like 15 minutes ago, get dressed and come eat" she pecked my lips then left the room. I smiled to myself and got dressed.

I went to her and sat at the 4 person dining table and she was already eating the pizza. "what do you wanna do tomorrow?" I asked as i shoved a slice in my mouth.

"I dont know, Maybe you can show me around?" she contninued eating.

"wait umm, you paid?" I joined my eyebrows. "yeah, don't worry about it" she kissed my cheek and her phone rang. She answered it quickly and smiled. "Hey mom! I'm great its a really quite city unlike new york, yes actually she's here in front of me.." she blushed as we made eye contact.

"okay, say hi to dad and my sisters..bye, love you too" she hung up and kept looking at me. "Told me to say hi to you.."she smirked.

I nodded and smiled. "Umm. so tell me about this 'carol'" I said after few minutes of silence.

"She's the definition of 'moron'" she scoffed. "let me goggle the actual meaning of moron" i laughed as i googled "definition of moron".

a stupid person.

"Well, why is that?" I chocked on the fries.

"She's so bad, like so bad, we need you, Lena..we really do" she frowned.

"She canceled the student council thing so I'm not their president anymore, and they won't listen to me..the school is a whole mess. She keeps calling me Kade and every time I tell that my name is JADE she gets mad and kicks me out of her office. she also considers that students liking her is much more important than running the school professionally and without canceling shit that's important.." she looked at me still frowning.

"I really wish i can come back. But the department has made their decision.." i shrugged.

"you know what, i wanna be as humble as possible, avoid paparazzi, but i think i should use my billionaire privilege to get you back." She crossed her arms.

"jade, you know you don't have to.."i shook my head.

"I'm getting you back, and you'll maybe see my pictures all over social media. dad didn't expose me to the public yet they only know my get ready" she squealed.

I smiled, because i knew she was joking. Is she?. We finished eating and she went back to bed as i straightened my hair. "damn ittt" i yelled as i accidentally burned my ear. she jumped out of bed and ran to me.

"oh my god, what happened?" she cupped my face.

"i burned my bloody ear!" I hissed as she giggled.

"what's so funny?" I looked at my red ear in the mirror.

"you sound like my mom, so british!" she chuckled and kissed my ear.

"You're mom's british?" i asked as i turned off the straightener and went to bed.

"yeah, she got used to living in the us so she kinda lost her accent, she once was mad at me and called me a penguin, I was surprised so i asked her what that meant after she calmed down, and told me it meant that I'm very useless, i don't know how that related to penguins but okay" she came back to bed and laid next to me.

"well, my nanny is Irish, and i lived most of my life with her while my parents went to business trips and things like that. so i got her thick accent" I pulled her into me.

"i love how burning your ear turned into a story time, i really really enjoy spending time with you, Lena. like, really.." she looked at me and i smiled as I peppered her face with kisses.

"Me too.." I covered the both of us and turned on the tv.

She started to close her eyes and slept as I kept staring at the tv.
"Night.." I kissed her forehead.

"Good night.." she mumbled.
Happy they're back!

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