chapter 10

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penelope's pov:

It's been a week since I've been living with my mother and my grandma for 2 weeks and I had obviously adore them with all my heart.

I always tell her everything what's been going in my life and I'm not one of these people that keep their lies to theirselves. My mum was my best friend who could be supportive of me of any way, and I'm glad she's still with me together but due to that, I'm going back to New York.

I was a bit of sad of leaving behind my mother and grandma in London. They were my everything, especially Jade who's been there for me since diapers.

Jade had informed me that she was going to pick me up at 3pm today and with that, my mother and grandma are going to drop me off and say goodbye once I had finally gotten to New York.

"Penelope, are you ready?!" My mother informing me downstairs, once I was lost in my thoughts.

I then stuttered and went back where I was before. "Y-Yeah! I'm ready!"

I placed my bag and luggage with me as I approached to the door and opened it.

I then slowly walked downstairs and saw my mum and grandma talking to each other sitting on the seats in front of the counter.

"Hey, mum and gran." I approached and sat down beside them.

Granny then gives me a sad look and looked away as I glance at her. My heart broken at that state, my grandma was upset that I was going back to New York and I can't blame her. I would too be upset leaving mum and granny here by theirselves again together.

"Hey. Don't be sad, grandma. I'll come back whenever I feel like it. Ok?" I declared, worried and upsettingly as I stood up and placed my hand on grandma's back, soothing her.

I hugged her lovingly and felt something wet on my shoulder afterwards. I then realized granny was crying and I began soothing her again, hugging her tightly after as I couldn't let her and stay with them.

But I couldn't.

I have to go back to New York because let's just say that my life is complicated. But with help, Jade was always there and of course, my mum and grandma.

"Are you okay, sweetie?"

I gazed out of my thoughts as I stood frozen with mum staring at me with pure worried on her face. I shook my head
rapidly and smiled awkwardly as I nodded and then realized that grandma was no longer here.

"Yeah, sorry. I can't believe I'm leaving you guys," I proclaimed, with sadness as my mum stared at the ground and sadly sniffled her tears away.

"No, it's okay, honey. We can take care of ourselves," she said.

I then slowly nodded and glanced over my phone as it read, 2:00 pm.

"Ok. I have to go in a hour."

"Ok, honey. We're ready to drop you off," she peeked over as I grab my bag and everything that I've packed inside.

"Mum! We're ready!" Mum yelled as I waited outside for granny and mum.

"Ok! I'm coming!" Gran yelled back as she came downstairs with sadness on her face.

"Ok. Let's go now," mum said, grabbing the knob and locking it once we were all outside.


a week later...

"Hey, girlie." Jade said, with happiness on her face as she opened the front door and slammed it after.

"Hey." I closed the tv before she came.

She then sat down on the table in front of me and closed her eyes. I furrowed my eyebrows and she then opened them as she grabbed my hands to hers.

"What's wro-"

"We're going to New York Islanders' game!" She blurted out, with excitement. "I have the tickets!"

I widened my eyes and smiled like a creep before we both stood up and squealed as we hugged and jumped with happiness and excitement.

"Are you serious?!" I asked.

She nodded rapidly and showed the tickets in front of my face as I hugged her and kissed her cheeks.

"Oh my god! I love you!" I shouted with excitement, jumping like 5 year old girl as Jade giggled and grinned. I then gently grabbed the tickets not wanting to rip them and glanced over slowly. I widened my eyes once again as I saw that we're in the front seats behind the roster of New York Islanders.

"No way!" I hesitated. "Behind them?!"

"Yep!" She giggled.

I stood frozen before Jade peeked over her watch and widened her eyes.

"Oh my... You have to get ready!" She proclaimed, worriedly.

"Oh, today?" I said, widening my eyes as I too peeked over the clock, 6:30 pm.

Jade then nods and grabbed her purse as I followed her what she was doing.

The reason why I got so excited was that Jade knew I've always wanted to go to New York Islanders' game. I've been nagging nonstop as I was waiting for her to buy me the tickets to go the game. And finally, she had bought us the tickets for to go!

She knows me so well. It's unbelievable...

"Are you ready?" She said, gazing out of my thoughts.

I shook my head and ran upstairs as I glanced over my closet for the jersey my mum have brought me for my 16th birthday.

Once, I have found it, I gently grabbed it and placed it over my head as I peeked over the mirror of what I was wearing.

It was casual, a ripped black jeans and rock n' roll t-shirt which was covered by the New York Islanders' jersey I was wearing.

The Beatles was my favourite band of all time.

"Ok, P. Let's go!" Jade yelled from downstairs.

I shook my head and closed my closet as I went downstairs with happiness covered on my face.

I can't believe this is happening...


please do not judge me of what i just wrote. it's my first time doing this so i really appreciated it if you guys didn't judge me.

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