chapter 21

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"I'm...pregnant," with that said, Penelope then drops her smile and slowly widened her eyes as I protectingly cover my swollen belly.

She drops her jaw and sits down beside me with no explanation as she looked down at the floor. She then slowly placed her hand onto her face and cover her eyes before I could hear sniffing.

I furrowed my eyebrows in awe as I moved closer to Penelope balling her eyes out as I gently hugged her tightly, waiting her to hug me back.

And she did, because I knew she would be supportive. All the time, no matter what.

"I love you, Penelope. Always," I said as she hugged tightly, never letting go.

"I love you too, Jade." She sniffed quietly as we pulled away after and I slowly wiped off the tears on her face.

"Don't cry. You make me cry too," Penelope giggled and then appears to be smiling like a creep as before I could ball my eyes out.

But it was too late. Damn, hormones!

"It's the hormones, isn't it?" She asked, giggling and I nodded. I then grabbed her soft hand into mine as we knot it together and hug each other again.

"I can't believe it, you're about to be a mother," Penelope said, realizing what's about to happen in the next 6 months. "It's crazy but I'm happy for you guys!"

I grinned and nodded, "Thank you. We are too. Anders' reaction was the best and I got it on camera too."

Penelope raises her forehead and smiled as I pulled out my phone and clicked on few things as the footage came up and the next thing happened, we're in tears and then laughing.

"Ohh, I just still can't believe it. I'm so happy. So so happy!" She grinned before we stood up and hugged me tightly once again, hurting our cheeks by grinned most of the time today.

6 more months til the baby is out...


penelope's pov:

It has been a two weeks since Jade had announced that she was pregnant with Anders' baby and my reaction was shocked and happy at the time, didn't think what to do. It will the best thing that will ever happen to them, bring a soul into the families and responsibilities and taking care whenever.

It will be like that to me whenever I'm older and ready for marriage and kids but I'm still recovering adult life as I continue with my life right now.

Jade and Anders' families' reactions was priceless but emotional and happiness, and being the best parents of Jade's was of course supportive of them, even though Jade was an young adult and she could do whatever she wants to do.

Same thing to Anders' parents being supportive and emotional throughout the whole speech of them congratulating and telling them they were pregnant.

Jade is now 3, almost 4 months pregnant and they are beyond happy about this.

And we obviously knew they were going to be happy, so we were planning to have a gender reveal party and me, being me as Jade's only best friend, did the organizing of the party, mostly checking what sex of their baby will be. Obviously, I did keep it as a secret as I didn't want anyone to ruin the party for a moment of Jade and Anders's life, pregnancy.

And finally, people has gather around for the gender reveal, Jade and Anders stood up, grinning next to each other as they were holding the long cylinder thing that has the colour inside from the gender of the their baby.

The guests then count from 5 as it's time to reveal the gender of their baby.

We continued, later on, as we had finished counting and Jade and Anders then popped out the thing on their hands and shock then comes to everyone's faces as the colour had finally shown.

We then cheered and after hugged them, as Jade cried, "Oh my god! We're having a girl!"

I giggled and sniffled as I tightly hugged Jade and Anders and Jade then gently pushed my shoulder as she wiped her tears, "I can't believe it. You knew and you didn't tell me?!"

I giggled, "It was supposed to be surprise."

Jade rolled her eyes and Anders chuckled, kissing her cheek and they hugged after tightly, crying lovingly.

"Wow, it's a girl," Mathew grinned, from behind me as he walked towards me.

I smiled and nodded, "I know. It was crazy when I found out from the envelope."

I peeked over to Mathew, grinning as we glanced to Jade and Anders hugging and laughing passionately.

"Yeah, well, you're lucky," I giggled and Mathew smiled.

"I guess I am." I said as I hugged him without a second thought. Mathew was surprised but slowly hugged back as it later became tighter as we couldn't let go of each other.

Why am I like this?! Maybe I li-

NO! Penelope, don't do this. Wait, do I have feelings for him or am I just crazy?

OH MY GOD! I HAVE FEELINGS FOR MATHEW BARZAL! Oh my god, I need to tell someone...


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