chapter 12

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jade's pov:

As we made it to the Nassau Coliseum, Penelope has been squealing non-stop since on our way to the arena.

I mean I gotta say, it's pretty cute seeing her like this for the first time.

Giggling, she excitedly drank her iced tea with her lap bouncing as we both waited for the first period to come as well as the rest of the team.

"This is great, isn't it?" I said, peeking over to Penelope nodding happily.

"Yep," she said. "I mean, thank you so much for this. You're the best."

I grinned before we hugged for a second and pulled away as the bell rang for suggesting that the first period has finally came.

"I'm so excited!" Penelope shouted, happily.

"I know, P! Me too!" I shouted back, grinning. We had to shout since it was very loud in the arena and for us hearing what we were saying to each other.


We heard the crowds applause and clapping excitedly as the captain, Anders Lee scores moments after the first period has started.

"Wow! Already?" Penelope asked, frowning.

"I guess so!" I proclaiming.

I glanced over to Penelope who was smiling like a creep before we began to sit down on the seats in front of the team as the game continued on.

Another bunch of goals has passed on, the crowd kept cheering throughout the whole evening.

And I gotta say they're on fire tonight!

We kept clapping, cheerfully as it was 4-1 for New York Islanders against Philadelphia Flyers.

As I was peeking over to the team in front of us, I swear I just saw Mathew Barzal staring at Penelope for a minute.


penelope's pov:

Couple of moments has passed on as we were waiting for the second period. Before I slowly looked around the crowd, I saw Jade broadened her eyes and dropped her jaw.

"What happened?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows as Jade gazed out and cleared her throat.

"Oh, um," Jade hesitated. "M-Mathew Barzal is staring at y-you."

I furrowed my eyebrows once again before I laughed out loud.

"What? That's impossible! He's probably just looking someone behind me," I explained, shrugged off my shoulders.

"No, Penelope. Look," Jade confessed, rolling her eyes as she gently grabbed my shoulders.

She then pointed at him where it showed that he was just standing with his teammates talking but was caught by him staring as he turned around narrowing his eyes. He looked away and saw him blushed to redden as I expanded my eyes and peeked over to Jade grinning.

Why is he making me feel like this?! I'm a player, a whore. I play every guy I see and throw them away, it's like I'm cheating on them. I can't do this with him, he's too innocent. I feel like I'm going to break his heart.

"Told you," she grinned.

"Oh my god!" I whispered.

"I know! Can you believe it!" I shook my head and giggled. "I mean...his teammate is hot," she added.

"Look! His teammates are now all looking at us!" She spoke up.

What is going on?!...No, I can't do this

"Oh my goodness," I mumbled, glancing down at the floor.

I felt someone shuffling my arm as I looked up slowly and saw one of Mathew's teammate holding a paper against the glass.

The paper read, 'Come meet up at the change room after the game's done. -M'

I widened my eyes as I nodded and peeked over to Mathew standing, grinning and then winked before the bell rang.

I blushed and looked down once again at the ground as Jade dropped her jaw and squealed like a child.

"Oh my god! Tell me I did not just see that!" She announced, cheerfully.

I nodded while still blushing as I giggled when I saw Jade doing her happy dance on her seat and it was quite awkward.

"My god, Jade. Please stop it, you're embarrassing," I announced, shaking my head as I spotted my hand on my forehead and Jade cackled.

"What do you mean?! The Mathew Barzal asked you to come meet up at the change room!" She told, not even stopping her happy dance as the crowd behind us began to take pictures and videos.

"Oh my god...Why am I even friends with you?" I mumbled, quietly.


After the third period was done, the Islanders had won 6-3 and it was an amazing game. As we saw the crowd packing their stuff they had brought with them, someone tall came to us.

"Excuse me? Are you Penelope Jones?" The security asked as he approached us.

"Yes, why?" I clarified, furrowing my eyebrows. I glanced over to Jade furrowing her eyebrows as well.

"Mathew Barzal has called you to come up to meet," he announced.

"Yeah, ok," I nodded.

"Follow me, please," the security asserted.

I nodded as I again looked over to Jade squealing and I playfully rolled my eyes and giggled.

"Ok, you got this, P." she said, gently grabbing my shoulders.

"What, no?! You have to come with me."

"Penelope, just listen to me. I know you can't do this but this is your only chance. Just forget men in your life with playing and focus on the one you love." She whispered. "Please."

I nodded and then hugged her, tightly before we pulled away. She then kissed my cheek and I grinned, lovingly.

Not forgetting after what happened with Mathew and his teammates during the game, I was on my way to the change room as I follow the security as he said.

Once we were halfway there, the security opened the door and I walked in first as I saw the team packing up.

But the first time ever doing this, I didn't even know this was going to happen.


this took a long time to write! 😣

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