chapter 20

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penelope's pov:

I had just finished my lunch with my friends who I had been texting and following for the past days ago.

Natalie just been busy with her family, as well as Camila, Gianna and Francisca. Camila has heads over heels for her husband, Patrick Kane and had 4 kids together. Gianna was so beyond happy about her family and how she's been doing for past months ago and how she's taking it with her 2 kids with her husband, Charlie Coyle. Same as Francisca, taking it with her kids along with her husband, friends and family.

I gotta say it's a huge family...

My phone starts ringing in my hand as I had opened my closet and look over my clothes.

"Hey," I said, calmly.

"What the hell?!" Jade shrieked before I pulled the phone out of my ear as I furrowed my eyebrows and shook my head in confusion.

"Wow. Nice to meet you too," I rolled my eyes and grabbed my sweater as I placed my phone on my bed and clicked into the speaker.

Note the sarcasm.

"Oh, shut up," she mumbled as I imagine her rolling her eyes. "What the hell happened with you and Mathew?"

With that said, I raised my eyebrow and then switched my shirt with a sweater as I carefully placed it over my head.

"What do you mean? We're just friends." I announced in a 'duh' tone.

Jade then mutters under her breath as I lifted my forehead and closed the door once I was done changing my shirt.

I came downstairs and walked over my sofa. I then sat onto it, groaning as it was the first time of relaxing.

"So..." Jade asserted.

"So, what?"

"Um. I just gotta say... why?"

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as Jade questions again. "Why what, Jade?

"Ugh. You're the worse," she mumbles. "Whatever. Bye."

With that said, she then hangs up and I pulled away from my phone as I muttered.

"What?" I whispered quietly as I flip over the channels on the tv and try to find a movie.

Something's off about her...


jade's pov:

As the next morning had skipped, I changed my clothes into baggy ones in my bedroom as later, I texted someone about what's happening.

I've done some thinking and realized Penelope might know what's been happening to me and I don't know what to do. I feel scared telling her what's going on, I mean I have told one of Mathew's teammate about it and let's just say, it was surprising and emotional.

He was beyond happy and excited to do this and I think I am too.

But I have to tell Penelope about this...

"Hey, are you okay?" He confided, over the phone. "You've been quiet over the phone."

"Oh yeah, I'm fine, sorry. I'm just scared to tell Penelope about us," I admitted, worriedly as I began thinking again hardly.

"Hey, don't worry. It's gonna be fine, okay?" He explained as I grinned and drank my juice on the couch.

"Yeah, okay." I told him, licking my lips.

"Ok, I love you," he announced, passionately.

I giggled, "I love you too, babe."

As we continued chatting and laughing, we had finally ended our conversation before we said 'I love you' to each other couple of times. I mean it's pretty surprising once I'll tell Penelope about my relationship and him telling his friends.

Once I finished drinking my juice, I walked over the counter and picked over my phone as I clicked and dialled for Penelope. I then asked her to come to my place to talk things over.

Mostly of my relationship.


Couple of minutes has passed and Penelope had finally arrived as I ran to her hugging tightly.

"What's going on?" She declared, furrowing her eyebrows as I gently grabbed her soft hands to come to sit with me.

"You're scaring me, Jade. What's going on?" She asked again and I grinned.

She once again furrowed her eyebrows and I broke the silence, "I have to something to say." I proclaimed, looking down to the floor and Penelope nodded waiting for me to talk.

I exhale deeply and stuttered, as I looked up to Penelope and nodded.

"I'm in a relationship with... Anders." I mumbled.

Penelope widened her eyes, opening her jaw widely and then slowly grinned as she shouted, "Oh my god! Are you serious?"

I nodded and giggled as Penelope then grinning widely, "I'm so happy for you! Congrats, Jade!" She stood up, gently grabbing me to stand up and then hugging tightly.

I grinned widely, hugging her back tightly as Penelope conforms me on my back.

"Wait, you didn't think you would be afraid of me telling me this, right?" She asked, raising her eyebrow and I looked down again at the ground.

"Oh my god, Jade. Why would you think that? Of course, I would be supportive of you, no matter what." Penelope announced, in awe.

"But there's more, P." I mumbled quietly as she pulled away and slowly wrinkled her eyebrows.

"What do you mean?"




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