chapter 24

664 4 0

group chat


penelope - peelopy 😝
jade - tomhollandisbomb 🤩
jordyn - jordeeballsin 🥴


tomhollandisbomb 🤩 what happened?

jordeeballsin 🥴 penelope, what's happening?

jordeeballsin 🥴 penelope?

tomhollandisbomb 🤩 PENELOPE!

peelopy 😝 I have feelings for Mathew...

tomhollandisbomb 🤩 WHAT?!

jordeeballsin 🥴 what? my brother Mathew?

jordeeballsin 🥴 omg yes!

tomhollandisbomb 🤩 YASSSS! I'm so happy for u! 🥳

jordeeballsin 🥴 we have to celebrate! 🥳🥳

peelopy 😝 guys, no!

tomhollandisbomb 🤩 wdym no?

jordeeballsin 🥴 huh?

peelopy 😝 idk if it's a good idea.

peelopy 😝 i mean I'm a whore...

tomhollandisbomb 🤩 no p, we've talked about this.

jordeeballsin 🥴 it's okay, Penelope. this could be a chance for u to do this. I mean did you not understand it, he could change u, it's a good thing.

tomhollandisbomb 🤩 yes, p. she's right, you have a chance to do this. a opportunity

peelopy 😝 really?

jordeeballsin 🥴 yes

peelopy 😝 okay, well I guess I have feelings for Mathew.

peelopy 😝 I mean it's good thing

tomhollandisbomb 🤩 yes! u get it!

jordeeballsin 🥴 I cant believe this! we have to celebrate this! 😛

tomhollandisbomb 🤩 yass

peelopy 😝 i guess so...

tomhollandisbomb 🤩 omg! we have to get ready!

jordeeballsin 🥴 oh yes, we'll meet u at 8 from your house. hope ur ready.

peelopy 😝 always.

tomhollandisbomb 🤩 🤤🤤🤤🤤

peelopy 😝 okay, I'll meet u soon! bye!

tomhollandisbomb 🤩 bye!

jordeeballsin 🥴 bye, honey! love u! always think of Mathew! 😉

peelopy 😝 ugh, I hate u!

peelopy 😝 😒😒😒😒😒

peelopy 😝 bye, bitches! ☺️


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