chapter 13

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As I glanced around, the security spoke up, "Mathew, Ms. Jones is here."

Mathew glanced up and ran his hand to his hair as I blushed redden.

"Thanks, Jeff." He smiled, nicely at the security, never leaving my eyes.

"No problem," Jeff grinned as he left in no time.

"...Hey, I'm Mathew. It's nice to meet you," he announced, grinning.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too. I'm Penelope." I told as I shook his hand.

Once, Mathew opened his mouth to speak, his teammate interrupting him, running his hand against his hair as he saw I was here.

"Hey, I'm Josh, Mathew's teammate." He said, placing his hand on his back smirking.

"Oh...I'm Penelope."

"Oh, I know." He announced, grinning.

I raised my eyebrow and blushed before they could see my face. Then, all of his teammates come and shook my hand.

"Excuse me?" I said.

"Oh, it's just...everyone was looking at you as you were perfect for Mathew," Josh smirked, patting Mathew's back as he shook his head and blushed before he looked away.

Oh trust me, I really don't wanna be involved with Mathew as I felt like I'm for sure going to break his heart once we know each other for a while. I'm not perfect for anyone...I'm just a player and... a whore.

Once, I got to know all of Mathew's teammates, the team had left except Mathew and me before we had gone outside and talked in his car.

A couple of moments passed as after giggling and cackling, it was nice meeting him after all and as well as him talking.

"Wow. That's a great story," I told, raising my eyebrow.

"Yep," Mathew nodding, grinning before we stared into our eyes and we couldn't stop staring after what seems like we have been staring for 2 minutes straight.

He had the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen in my life, it was like exploring in his eyes, innocence and some mystery in there.

Something that made me stay into his eyes staring. It was hazel with a bit of yellowish-blueish.

"So, should I have your phone number?" Mathew breaking the silence, never even evacuating my gazes.

"O-Oh, yeah. Sure." I mumbled, quickly as I blushed and looked away to the ground in the car.

I grabbed out my phone and him gently grabbing it as he puts his phone number in and then gave my phone back to me nicely.

"So, I should go," I shook my head, breaking the silence.

"Yeah. Ok," he announced, grinning. "It was nice meeting you, Penelope."

He added as I opened the door and I giggled. I loved how my name rolls onto his tongue as it felt like it was the best thing I've ever heard.

"Yep. It was nice meeting you too, Mathew." I clarified, blushing.

Why do I always blush?! It's so annoying!

"Have a great day," Mathew confessed, nicely.

"You too."

Wasting no time, I closed the door and ran out to the car as Mathew waved and smiled once again. I waved back and giggled before he ran off while I walked over to my G-Wagon and grinned once I opened the door and shut it as I start the car. I then realized how great this day has become.


Once I was done with my night routine in the bathroom, I conformed my bed and waste no time going inside as a relief. I then closed the lights and grabbed my phone on the nightstand as I opened it and clicked on Instagram to check new trends.

A ding had come within seconds already, I checked what it was and once I saw it, I grinned widely, hurting my cheeks.

*@barzal97 has followed you*

I clicked it on again and grinned as it was amazing and a relief to do it like it's not any big deal.

*you had followed @barzal97 back*

Grinning widely, I close my phone as my eye-lids start to drop but was waken up already as I placed it on the nightstand where it was earlier and tugged my body inside the comfy blanket as I closed my eyes and fell into dreamless sleep within seconds already.

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