chapter 26

670 3 0

group chat


penelope - beautygurl 🥺
mathew - mattyboi 🥵


mattyboi 🥵 hey.

beautygurl 🥺 hi. what's up?

mattyboi 🥵 oh nothing.

beautygurl 🥺 oh. okay

mattyboi 🥵 um, what's going on with you, jade and jordyn.

beautygurl 🥺 ohh. umm. wdym

mattyboi 🥵 don't lie, Penelope.

beautygurl 🥺 ummm.

mattyboi 🥵 penelope.
Read at 5:23 pm

mattyboi 🥵 penelope?
Read at 5:23 pm

mattyboi 🥵 penelope?
Read at 5:24 pm

mattyboi 🥵 penelope, can you just tell what's going on?
Read at 5:24 pm

mattyboi 🥵 PENELOPE!
Read at 5:24 pm


mattyboi 🥵 what?

beautygurl 🥺 oh my god. i'm sorry.

mattyboi 🥵 penelope.

beautygurl 🥺 i can't do this.

mattyboi 🥵 penelope.
Read at 5:27 pm

(beautygurl 🥺 has left the conversation)

mattyboi 🥵 oh my god.

mattyboi 🥵 penelope, no...

mattyboi 🥵 i wanted to tell you this too.

mattyboi 🥵 i have feelings for you too...

mattyboi 🥵 it's okay if you don't want me too...

mattyboi 🥵 bye, penelope.

(mattyboi 🥵 has left the conversation)


tomhollandisbomb 🤩 you told him what?!

jordeeballsin 🥴 are you kidding me?

jordeeballsin 🥴 you've broke my brothers heart!

peelopy 😝 I already did! I'm so stupid...

tomhollandisbomb 🤩 no. no, ur not.

peelopy 😝 and whys that?

jordeeballsin 🥴 bc it's okay if ur feeling like this. I mean it's okay to have feelings especially you for the first time.

tomhollandisbomb 🤩 yeah, p. she's right...

peelopy 😝 ugh, fineeee.

jordeeballsin 🥴 now come to jade's place so we talk about the full story.

tomhollandisbomb 🤩 yes, great idea.

peelopy 😝 fine, I'm coming in 15.

jordeeballsin 🥴 sure thing.

tomhollandisbomb 🤩 see you.

jordeeballsin 🥴 bye.

peelopy 😝 bye. see you later...


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